The perfect storm Pt1

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@ Party

As Reid was hanging with Morgan, they where messing around like always, Reid had a glass of wine in his hand when Morgan pushed him out of the blue.
"Yo Morgan chill!" Reid says before Morgan pushes him, "Reid look over there." Reid walks over and Morgan puts his foot in front of him. Reid almost trips over but manages to spill his drink. "Morgan!" He yells out, Morgan giggles to see what Reid just did.
"Oh my g-" A girl says looking down at her dress but stops once she looks up to see Reid. "Omg im so sorry, Im sorry!" Reid says getting napkins from the counter, "Oh no it's ok." The girl looks up into Reid's eyes. They both lock eye contact, "Uhm, I'm going to go." Morgan says turning around and pointing towards the direction he was going.
"Im sorry." Reid says still looking at her trying to hand her the napkins, the girl grabs Reid's hand and puts it down "What's your name?" The girl says in a soft dreamy voice.
"Uhm, uh Spenc, Spencer Reid." He says, stuttering still looking into her eyes. "What's yours?" He asks blushing, "Anastasia Flores, Stas for short." She says reaching for his hand. "Pretty name, I mean uh I-" Reid let's his inner voice come out, "You know what you meant, thank you." She pulls him, "Come on let's get a drink, Mr. Spencer Reid" She says while pulling Reid towards the bar.

A couple minutes pass by...

"Hey why don't we go, uhm back to your place?" Stas suggests while putting her glass cup down. "Uhm uh let me go get my car keys first." Reid says heading towards Morgan, "Okay lover boy." Stas says before she asks for another drink. "Comin to ask for permission? She's into you Reid." Morgan says as he takes a sip from his drink. "No uh actually yea, but not really permission more like advice.?" Reid asks nervously, "What is it?" Morgan says, "What do I do?" Reid asks trying to make himself look like he's looking for his keys. "First of all what the hell are you doing." Morgan says giggling, "Pretending to look for my keys shut up!" Reid says in a quite yell.
"You want advice? Just go along with anything your comfortable with. She's seems like a nice girl Reid, she'll help you." Morgan says honestly. "Ok well I'll see you guys tomorrow, ok, pray for me." Reid says as he reaches for his keys. "Win her heart kid!" Morgan says giggling.
Reid walks over to Stas, "Had to ask your dad for permission?" Stas says getting up from where she was sitting, "Dad? That's not my da-" Reid says confused. "Come on pretty boy." Stas giggles as she grabs Reid's hand and pulls him towards the door and out to the parking lot.

Parking lot...

Stas walks behind Reid holding his hand, leading her towards his car.
"Omg this is your car! It's so pretty!" Stas says smiling at Reid, "Yup this is mine." Reid says opening the car door for Stas. As Reid gets in Stas starts to get and feel more comfortable being around him.
"Lover boy." Stas says taking of her heels. "Hm?" Reid says, "I can tell this is your first time bringing a girl over." Stas says looking at him while he starts the engine. "How'd you know that?" Reid says looking over at her. "I can tell Reid, I can tell." She says as she grabs Reid's tie, and pulls him in, they both kiss eachother. Reid puts his hand on her cheek as she pulls away.
"It's okay Spenc." She says as she lays her head on the seatbelt. Reid with a shocked face reverses and drives away from the parking lot.

@ Reid's house...

Reid pulls into the driveway and quickly gets out to open the door for Stas. "You got a nice house Reid." She says as she looks at the 2-story suburban home. "Uhm, thanks Stas." He says locking his car.
Both are inside the house, Stas looks up at Reid, "I like tall guys." Stas says grabbing Reid's tie and going upstairs like it's her home. "Which one's your bedroom?" She asks once they both reach the top of the stairs, "The last one on the right." Stas leads Reid into his own bedroom.
"Here sit down." Stas says looking at herself in the mirror. She walks over to Reid, she grabs his hand and puts it in her shirt.
"You sure Stas?" He asks nervously, "ofc I am, are you?" She asks rubbing Reid's hand thats in her shirt. He nods.
She leads Reid's hand to the back of her bra, "Reid, unbuckle it, then take it off." She says. "You don't have to call me Reid." He suggests. "But Im going to."
She pushes Reid back, unzips his jeans, and pulls out his hard dick. "Just calm down, get comfortable Reid." Stas starts doing what she's best at, while Reid throws his head back and moans.
"Liked that didn't you." Stas says as she wipes her mouth. She climbs onto the bed and starts kissing Reid. Reid slowly lowers his hands onto her lower waist. "Take it off spenc, you can take off my dress." Stas says, right after Reid starts getting more comfortable and once he knows it, his hands are already on her ass. He pulls up the dress, takes it off, and throws it to the side. "Now your comfortable." Stas says putting her hair behind her ear as Reid goes on top of her. He takes off her panties, as she turns around laying on her chest, and Reid kneeling on the bed.
"Oh fuck, fuck spenc." She moans as he strokes into her. "Fuck Spencer, I'm bout to cum." She says grabbing onto the sheets. She lets it all out on Reid, "oh fuck, I'm sorry." Stas says taking a deep breath as Reid pulls out. "Your ok baby, ima get cleaned up."
Stas sat there shocked after hearing what Reid just called her, she laid down on his bed facing the window waiting for him. "You want something to sleep in?" Reid asks her. "No I'm okay, it's hot anyways." Stas says laying down starting to fall asleep. Reid goes into bed with her only in his boxers, he's facing up looking towards the ceiling. Stas turns over to look at him, "hey lover boy, can I tell you something." Reid answers, "yea what's up?" Stas tells him sincerely and honest, "your the first guy that never made me fake my orgasm."
"Oh, uhm" Reid says shocked and speechless, "mhm, goodnight spenc." She says closing her eyes and falling asleep. "Goodnight Stas." Reid says as he kisses her forhead.


*alarm clock*
Reid wakes up and turns over to check the time, "I'm late!" Reid rushes out of bed and starts changing, "no don't go it's too early." Stas says s while being half asleep, "I have to Im sorry, there's food in the fridge and my clothes are in that closet. Call me if you need anything, you already have my number." Reid says rushing and fixing his hair, "Bye Stas! Be safe!" He says rushing out the bedroom door. "Bye spenc!" Stas says as she falls back asleep.

@ office

"Hey guys, uhm sorry I'm late." Reid says looking down trying to avoid contact. He sits next to Morgan, "Where we're you, I was calling you all morning." JJ asks Reid as she's informing a new case. "I'm sorry it won't happen again." Morgan looks at Reid and giggles. "Our unsubs victims are found at the end of the bed handcuffed to he right leg off the bed. His victims are mostly women through the ages of 20-25, they live alone or live alone for most of the time, no husband, family, or pets. Which gives our unsub more time with the victim and no threats near. He's here, in Quantico." Gideon finishes explaing as they all wrap up there notes and leave the room.

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