The perfect storm Pt3

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Spencer woke up, he didn't want to wake Stas up. He sat up on the bed with only his boxers on, he rubbed his eyes, and turned over to look at Stas. He smiled, and got up to get ready. Once he was done he made a small breakfast for Stas, he went back upstairs and checked up on her. He kissed her on the forhead and headed back downstairs.

15 min later...

"Hey lover boy." Morgan said as Reid walked in, Reid just did the awkward smile he always does.

They go over the case to refresh, and all bring out there ideas to share.

"Do you think last nights press could've helped?" Prentiss asks, "Let's hope it did, we need to find him fast before another victim comes up." Hotch says leaving the room and assigning everyone assignments.

It was now the afternoon, everyone had there lunch and JJ, Derek, and spenc where talking,

"You think the unsub got scared if he saw the press conference?" JJ asks with a drink in her hand, "Or maybe he's keeping a low profile for right now." Derek adds on. A lady from the from desk comes up to Spenc and hands him a letter that was left at the front for him.
"Ooo, what is it lover boy." Morgan says smiling
"I don't know?" Spencer says as he's opening it, he takes out the first thing, it took him a minute to realize but,
"Guys, that's my front door." He says as his heart dropped, both JJ and Morgan looked confused and worried. Spence got the other thing that was in the envelope, a little piece of paper,
"What does it say?" Morgan asks, "She's next." Spenc says, "Stas." Spencer said as he put everything back in the envelope and told Morgan to tell everyone to go to his house.
"Whos, Stas." JJ looks at Morgan, "Long story, but it's going to be longer if we don't get to his house in time." Morgan says rushing out the door.

@ Spencer's house

They all quietly walk into Reid's home, Reid leads them upstairs into his bedroom. They slowly open the door then suddenly quickly, finding the unsub point the gun to Stas.

"Drop the gun." Reid says sternly, "Morgan, he shouldn't be in here." Hotch whispers to Morgan.
"Reid get out of the room." Morgan says, "No." Spencer says, "That's an order, out the room slowly." Hotch says knowing that Reid can provoke the unsub.
"I should be in there right now!" Spencer says shaking, "I can't let this happen again." Spence says worrying what could happen next in that room.
JJ hugs Spencer, "spenc, there going to get her out alive. They won't fail you."


Both rush into the room finding the unsub on the floor, Spencer rushes to Stas,
"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry Stas, I'm sorry." Reid says hugging her, Stas is a little shaken up but she tries to calm down so Reid can calm down. "it's okay spenc, your team saved me, you saved me." Stas says.

"She needs to come down for paramedics." Hotch says leaving the room along with everybody.

"Stas I'm sorry, I really am, I'm sorry I brought you into this mess." Spenc says looking into her eyes. Stas puts her hand on his cheek, "Spenc I'm okay, all because of you, you don't need to be sorry."

"Who's going to clean his blood?" Stas asks, "They will, but don't worry about that I have plenty of other rooms we can sleep in." They both stair at the stains.

Outside Spencer's house

"So that's her." JJ asks Morgan, "Yup that's her, she's a pretty girl isn't she?" Morgan says. "Yea she is." JJ sighs.
"Here comes pretty boy." Morgan looks behind, "Hey kid." Morgan says, "so that the girl?" JJ asks, Reid nods his head and smiles.
"Is she okay?" Morgan asks, "yea, better than me." Spenc giggles.
"Your a lucky guy spenc, take care of her. I'll see you tomorrow." JJ says as she goes in the SUV along with the rest of the team.

(This was the last part, hope u liked it! <3)

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