The perfect storm Pt2

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@ victim #4's location

"Yo Reid ima talk to you later." Morgan says as he walks out the car heading in too the home. "About what?" Reid laughs nervously, Morgan ignores him. Both him, Morgan, and JJ walk into the house.
"Downstairs and every other room was clean, not this one." Hotch says as they walk to where the victim was murdered. "It's like the unsub didn't want anyone to suspect something was wrong, but he shows all the mess on the outside of the house." Reid says.
After gathering all the information they needed, they headed back to the office.

In car

"Hey Reid?" JJ says sitting in the back of the car, "yea what's up JJ?" Reid says while he looks at his map he's doodling on. "Why where you so late today." She asks, Reid drops the pen down looking over at Morgan trying to come up with something. "Uhm, I, uh." He stutters, Morgan giggles a little. "Morgan do you know?" JJ asks confused, "nope nothing." Morgan says smiling knowing damn well he knows what went on last night. "Your gonna let it out Reid, at some point." JJ rolls her eyes as she looks and goes through files.

@ the office

"Hey JJ, why don't you inform the press?" Reid suggests, "A press conference?" JJ says as she stops walking. "Yea, our unsub wants attention, he may not show it in the victims homes, but he shows it outside." Reid explains to JJ, "that's a good idea Reid, I'll get the word out and see what Hotch thinks." JJ tells Reid.
*phone ring*
"Let me know, gotta take this." Reid says as he struggles reaching for his phone.
"Hey good morning lover boy." Stas says in her sleepy voice, "Good morning stas." Reid says as he sits down on his char. "What you been up too?" Stas asks, "Trying to look for our unsub, difficult one." Reid says. "I miss you." Stas says in the voice Reid fell in love with, "I miss you too Stas, I'll be there soon, don't worry." Reid says hoping no one heard him. "Fine I'll be waiting." Stas says, "I hope you do." Reid says trying to flirt back. "Bye spenc." Stas says still in her sleepy voice. "Bye stas, be safe!" Reid says as he pulls his phone away from his ear and hangs up.
He looks around to make sure no one was easdroping, "Oh but you don't tell me to be safe." Morgan says jokingly as he's eating his bag of chips. "You want some lover boy?" Morgan asks Reid giggling, "stop." Reid says annoyed. "Come here pull your chair over here, tell me what happened last night. I want to know everything." Morgan says laid back in his while eating.
"Mmm i don't think I have to tell you everything." Reid suggest. "Yea not everything." Morgan says side eyeing Reid.

They both talk for about 10 minutes.

"Hey and do you know what like she told me after." Reid says, "what?" Morgan continues, "I was the first guy she's ever had an orgasm too." Reid whispers in Morgan's ear. "How much guys has she been with? Did she mention it?" Morgan asks as he crumbles the bag of chips he was eating, "4 including me." Reid says as he yawns. "Yea, then she fell asleep, then I did too, which is why I woke up so late." Reid says as JJ walks over. "Yooo, told you she liked you, you lucky Reid, you really are." Morgan says as he stands up and walks away. "Damn it, I missed the story didnt I?" JJ asks. Reid nods his head and goes back to looking at files. "Reid's got a girl, Reid's got a girl!" Reid hears Morgan say in the distance, "Wait Reid you got a girlfriend?" JJ asks, "No, no." Reid says as he gets up and, does his little jog towards Morgan, while JJ looks at Reid with jealousy. "Press in 5." JJ yells still looking at Reid.

*5 Mins before press*

"Hey Reid hope this is a good idea, we can tell that our unsub loves attention but has breakdowns, which can trigger him." Prentiss tells Reid as he's getting his stuff. "To another kill." Reid says hoping he didn't make the wrong choice.

@ press conference

"So if you have any information that can help us, or any leads please, please contact us." JJ says as she finishes announcing to the press. Everyone leaves as Hotch calls everyone to gather up in the meeting room, "Hey Reid, do me a favor." JJ says walking beside him, "Uhm yea sure." Reid says as he stares at his phone. "Can you call me later? If your not to busy." JJ looks at Reid. "Oh he's gonna be busy." Morgan says smiling as he walks by going towards the meeting room. "Ugh morgan." Reid says looking up from his phone. "Please Reid?" JJ asks as Gideon walks by, "meeting room now." Gideon says. "I'll try JJ."  Reid says as he puts his phone away and JJ follows behind.
They talk for a good 20 minutes...
"Tomorrow i want everyone here by 6:30, if possible earlier." Hotch says in his stern voice. "Especially you Reid, no more late days ok." Gideon insists. "Yes sir" Reid says as he has his phone under the table texting Stas. "Pst" Morgan whispers as Reid turns over and Morgan shakes his head. "Sorry" Reid says as he puts his phone away. "See you guys tomorrow, early." Hotch says as he gets out the room along with Gideon. Then prentiss and JJ follow behind. "Goodnight babygirl." Morgan tells Garcia. "Come show me a goodnight." Gracia says as she leaves the room. "I will Garcia, i will." Morgan says, "oh don't listen to him he's all talk." Reid follows up, "oh like your not." Morgan says. "I'm not, see you tomorrow Morgan." Reid says still staring at his phone, "goodnight Reid, don't hit your head on the way out." Morgan says getting coffee.
As Reid's heading outside, JJ was at the front talking to prentiss, "Hey Reid make sure to call me." JJ says as she sees him walking out the doors. "Mhm." Reid says still texting Stas. "He's been on it all day, you know what's up?" Prentiss asks JJ, "no but I think Morgan does." JJ says, "Maybe a girl, goodnight JJ get some rest." Prentiss says leaving the building. "Yea goodnight." JJ says with a sad tone but a jealous look.

@ Reid's house

Reid unlocks the door and opens it, "hey Stas I'm home!" Reid says taking off his jacket and hanging up his keys. "I'm in the living room!" Stas says as she's sitting on the couch watching tv. "Hey, pretty boy, how was work?" Stas asks staring at the tv. "Eh, could've been better." Reid says as he fixes his hair. "Come sit." Stas tell Reid, Reid walks over to Stas and sits down. "Come here lover boy I missed you." Stas says as she goes in for a kiss, they start making out when Reid's phone rings
Reid pulls away, "who is it?" Stas asks, "JJ." Reid answers, "well JJ Can wait." Stas says as she declines JJ's call and goes on Reid's lap facing him. She puts both her hands on his cheeks and they start kissing. Reid's hands are on her waist while one of Stas hands is rubbing on Reid's pants. "Fuck." Reid moans, Stas pulls away, "let's save it for tomorrow spenc, you need some rest, don't want you to be late tomorrow." Stas says as she gets off of his lap and sits back on the couch. "Yeah who knows what would happen, and if I don't answer right away I might be in the meeting room.I'll get yelled at if I'm on my phone or even distracted." Reid says, "don't worry lover boy, I'm safe here. Don't worry to much about me."
A couple minutes pass by while there watching tv,
"Hey Stas? Why did you stay and not uhm leave." Reid asks, Stas lays her head on his shoulder, "because spenc, I like you." Stas says. Reid looks shocked since he's never gotten that much attention before. Reid is speechless and all he does is lay his head on hers, and wrap around one of his arms around her.
After a few minutes pass by Reid notices that Stas fell asleep, he carries Stas up the stairs and into his bedroom. He lays her there and puts a blanket over her. "Goodnight Stas." Reid says as he kisses her forhead and turns off the lamp in the room.

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