Can Monsters Change?

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Aslan's POV

He wasn't lying when he had said home. He was indeed planning on taking her home because one thing was clear; she was not going anywhere anytime soon. And he didn't care. He couldn't bear to get her a separate house and keep her there. And why should he when he wanted her to be at his place when he get back home and be there in his bed when he wakes up. It was only possible if she would live with him at his place, so he would take her there. Another first for him.

She didn't say a word during the entire ride even when he applied antiseptic on her knees and palms. God knows what had happened to her that she was injured. He didn't know how her parents reacted. The concern was that he had traced her location at John's house. He had run but her location was changed again and he found her in time before she could run away again. She was broken. She had stopped crying but he knew that she was not herself else her first question had been "How did you find me?"

But it was good that she had visited them. It's important for people to understand that family is just a lie. It can be your biggest weakness and those who you trust most can also betray you. Even parents are not exceptions. He couldn't hide his smirk.

She didn't stir when the car halted. He opened her door and offered her a hand. She looked lost and it pained him that her eyes had lost the sparkle. She took the hand and they walked to his personal elevator. Once they were in, she asked, "Where are we?"

"Home." The look she gave him was one of confusion and she wanted him to explain more.

"We can't live at the hotel forever, right? So, here we are. At my place. And your home for now."

His penthouse was at 60th floor. He was a director in the board of the company which has built the building. The view of Central Park from up here was worth every dollar he had spent. He had converted all the four penthouses into one and now he ruled the 60th floor. Oh, money could get such pleasures.

They got out, he entered the code for his house and there they were. He let her step in first. He saw how her yes roamed about everything and she took in the place. But she didn't comment. He wasn't looking for one. He had brought her here because the first time in his life, he had felt strong enough to bring a woman home.

He was interrupted by her sudden turn and she faced him with a fierce gaze. "How many women have come here before me?"

His shoulders relaxed because he didn't need to lie about anything. "Apart from my sisters and mother and my staff of course, you are the first woman to cross this threshold." He smiled as she narrowed her eyes and gauged him, but then turned around and walked in.

"Is your staff full time?" She asked while taking a seat.

"No. There is no point in keeping them here when even I am not here full-time." He plopped down on the couch opposite her.

She was really beautiful. He couldn't stop repeating it in his mind. He knew her experience at home had been bad. Why else would she cry? But what if John had done something to her? After all, she had gone to his place. His fists clenched at the thought of him hurting her.

God knows what story John must have made up about Elena to his folks. He was worried now. But he shifted his focus on her and found her staring at him.

"Why have you brought me here?" She was in her enquiry mood again.

"I already told you."

"If no woman has ever come here, then why me? That's my question."

"Because it is my house and I get to decide who does or does not get to see my million-dollar home."

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