Chapter 1: Regret

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Regret; Verb
feeling sad, repentant, or disappointed over something that has happened or been done, especially a loss or missed opportunity.

Regret was the one word that Khaleesi Damaris would describe herself. From the minute she was born, she was a regret. A woman had never been queen of Northern Stanna. It would have been easy to forgive though if it wasn't for the fact that her mother had given her last breath to push the princess out. The King regretted the day she was born.

Stanna, although looked like a strong, unified country from the outside, was really split in half when quirks started popping up. At the time, it was ruled by the Tremaine family, the impossible monarchy that had led Stanna for 200,000+ years. The kingdom had seen war and terror of the counties around them and immediately shut down and isolated themselves. That was until the 1980s when they slowly came around to opening up again.

However, they still kept their old ways, clothes, traditions, and beliefs. The world around them tried to force them into modern-day society. However, the country prevailed. That was until the rise of quirks. The matter was taken in by the monarchy almost immediately. The then King Gorlois IV made the royal decree to prohibit any and all quirk usage.

The decree made quite a bit of people upset, and about half of the country had decided to protest. The King swiftly took care of this too, telling the people that if they didn't agree with the rule, they were free to leave to the mountains that bordered the sea and the kingdom. However, they were never allowed back, and we're all on their own.

Half stayed and half went. The mountains bordered the sea and surrounded Southern Stanna. In the sense of the weekend country. Many others tried to invade, to take control of Stanna. However, all failed as the Northern army was strong and used unhinged tacktick against them. The South saw their power, and the two sides made a deal.

"To never metal in each other affairs, economic, political, or social, unless the threat of all out war on the country herself had been made by an outside source."

So they stayed civil. The north appointed General Uther and his wife Yvaine as their new king and queen. In the year 2117, King Vasu V of the South was crowned King along with his wife, Aileen. The two already had a son, Aeron ll. He was named as his father heir to the throne. The first decree that was lifted was the one of quirk usage in the southern kingdom. This only grew tension between the two sides.

King Vasu did try to reason with the King of the North, King Detlev. Saying that the decree was outdated and that the North can now return back home. However King Detlev, argued saying that the North was their home, and that he would not give up his throne nor put his people in a land they are unfamiliar with, especially to be treated like second class citizens.

Two years later, the South welcomed a new royal child into the family, Prince Aemond. Two years after that, Princess Khaleesi of North Stanna was born. The two grew up separately, only seeing each other every few years, and for 14 years, the two tried to stop the inevitable. The marriage that would tie the two families together again. Uniting the kingdoms again.

~Present Day~

Khaleesi awoke to the sun, starting to show on her face. She quickly woke to watch the sunrise over the East mountains. This was a tradition she did every morning. A knock at the door pulled her from the sight. "Come in!" She answered. Five women came in. The first was her aunt Rosabel. She was married to her uncle Darius who was born as the second in line, however after the Princess birth and her mothers death, he will become King after her father passes, and she is to be married off.

Darius and Rosabel were like her parents, the two have no children, but they would make splendid parents. Her father has ignored Khaleesi since the day she was born so she grew up learning from those two. Two of the other women were her ladies in waiting. The last two were Khaleesi. All of the women curtsied to the Princess, and hers started to prepare today's outfit.

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