Chapter 3: Civil

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In the following weeks, Khaleesi’s life slowly started to fall out of her grasp. The morning after that dinner, her father, Darius, and Rosa returned back to the North. “We will see you in a few weeks.” Rosa said, embracing her neice. Darius was next. He offered a brief hug, then spoke “Your presence will be missed at the castle.”

King Detlev stood behind them, and Khaleesi approached him. She curtsied to him, “Goodbye father.” she said, “Daughter.” He said with a nod. He then turned and entered the carriage. Khaleesi stood ahead of the southern royals as she watched it leave. Her new life was starting, and she hated the thought of that.

She didn't want to turn around and start it. She watched as it went out of sight. “Princess?” A voice called out. Khaleesi looked over her shoulder, the King and Prince Aeron had left, only Queen Aileen, and Prince Aemond stood. Aemond was a few paces behind his mother. He stared right through Khaleesi.

She fully turned around and walked to the Queen. Khaleesi curtsied to her, and when she stood, the Queen linked their arms together, and walked off. “It has been a while since there was a royal wedding. A little over 20 years.” She said with a smile. Khaleesi nodded to her politely.

So that is how it has been for weeks. The Queen has planned everything. Khaleesi has been discarded as a near afterthought. From the dress to the jewels, the flowers, people in attendance, and food that is to be served. The Queen picked it all, Khaleesi would spend the day following her around as the Queen talked to everyone else but her.

Until night, when Khaleesi would go back to her chambers, be undressed, and then sent to bed. That is where she would lay and cry. Silently, struggling to breathe. Sometimes, she would sit up or pace around her room. Pulling at her hair, picking at her skin, or biteing at her nails until they bleed. But she would never let anyone in the palace hear her. She knew better than that.

Today is the day before her wedding though. She awoke as usual. The sunrise is not visible from where she resides. Khaleesi has felt as though truly anything that gave her happiness has been stripped away from her. A knock came, and in walked Arya. They had their routine. Khaleesi was to stand still as Arya undressed, dressed, and jeweled her for the day.

They said nothing to each other. Once Arya was done, Khaleesi made her way downstairs for breakfast. She entered the dining hall, curtsying to the King and Queen. She sat where she has been told to sit. The seat next to her, where Aemond sat, was empty. Yet, breakfast was served.

Khaleesi did not ask where my soon to be husband was. She just ate, and after, she was given free range of the castle. She went to the library, it was much larger than the North’s, Khaleesi was sure she would be able to read every book well trapped in this prison.

After a few chapters, she was interrupted by Arya. She curtsied. “Aemond wishes to see you.” She said, Khaleesi sighed yet stood. She started to make her way to his chambers. “No, my lady.” Arya said. Khaleesi turned and raised her brow. “He wishes to see you out by the dueling pit.” She said, “Of course.” Khaleesi changed paths and walked there instead.

Once there, she saw Aemond and Aeron sparring. She smiled and picked up her dress a bit as she made her way closer. She stood front row with all of the other men. Watching as the two fought, Aemond winning over his elder brother. Cheers erupted, Khaleesi respectively clapped her hands as well. Aemond came close to her.

“We missed you at breakfast.” She said to him, he grabbed her hand and gave it a kiss. "I am sorry, but I had a court duty." He excused. She smiled and pulled her hand away. He let out a sigh. "What are you doing here, Khaleesi?" Aeron asked. "I was told that Prince Aemond asked for me." She said, looking at him.

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