Chapter 17 The Ex's Part 4

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Oakleigh and Asher arrive at the place for tonight and they go in and get some dinner and while they waited for dinner  they went to check out the ramps and the park where you could do BMX or skateboarding or rollerblades or the foam pit and the trampolines where you could do tricks and flips or dodge ball and they also had an arcade where you could play all sorts of games, and Oakleigh said Asher our food is ready do want to eat first or do the activities first and Asher replied saying let's eat first and then do the activities and Oakleigh was like sounds like a plan. Blake and Lydia are on their 4th game of bowling and Lydia said Hey Blake I'll be right back could you bowl for me, and he said sure thing Lydia is everything ok and Lydia said yeah, I just got to use to restroom really quick and Blake was like ok Lydia take your time no need to rush. Lydia noticed Oakleigh's ex bf Vincent was at the bowling alley when she was coming back from the restroom, and she noticed that Vincent saw her so she ran as fast as she could to Blake. Blake was liked Lydia, you ok you sound like you're out of breath, and she was like I'm and Blake says come here and sit down I'll be right back I'm going to get you some more water and Lydia said Blake don't leave me here by myself and that's when he knew something was up, and that Lydia wasn't ok at all she was scared. Oakleigh and Asher finish eating dinner and they had started with the ramps and the park for their first activity then all of a sudden Asher fell off his bike and Oakleigh noticed Blakes ex gf Scarlett Lynn was smirking and laughing at Asher Oakleigh went over to Asher and asked if he was ok and he said yeah, Asher asked Oakleigh if they could put his bike in her car and head to trampolines and foam pits and Oakleigh replied sure thing Asher is there something wrong you seem like your upset a bit and Asher was like no I'm fine but thanks for asking Oakleigh and she was like anytime Asher. Blake sat down next to Lydia and said what's going on Lydia I can see that your scared did something happen to you on your way back from the restroom, so Lydia was about to tell Blake that Oakleigh's ex bf Vincent was there, but Vincent was coming up to where Lydia and Blake were sitting so Lydia didn't tell Blake why she was so scared all of sudden. Hey Lydia said Vincent and Blake got up and said what do you want Vincent, and Vincent was like I'm saving Lydia from a stranger and Blake says Lydia is my neighbor then Lydia said Vincent Oakleigh isn't here with us at all so you can leave ok, Vincent  said woah Lydia I thought we were close and Lydia said no Vincent we were never close and Blake noticed the tone that Lydia said that to Vincent and it was pretty clear what was going on so Blake says come on Lydia lets go somewhere else, and Lydia says what about our game Blake and he said we don't need to finish let's just get out of here if that's ok with you and Lydia said yeah that's a great idea Blake let's leave, So Blake and Lydia go to the front desk and asked if they could end their game and return their shoes since they were leaving the bowling alley.

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