Chapter 17 The Ex's Last Part 5

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Blake and Lydia leave the bowling alley and Blake told Lydia that I'm not going to let anyone take you away or hurt you and your sister Oakleigh ok Lydia, and Lydia was like how did you know that I was scared Blake said I noticed when you told Vincent that you were never close that the tone in your voice you and that's why you came back from the restroom out of breath that you were scared, Lydia was like oh thanks Blake and he said why don't we go to the park for a little  bit before we go get some Ice cream ok and Lydia was like that's a great idea Blake lets go. Oakleigh and Asher are over by the trampolines and foam pit playing a game of dodgeball, and then all of sudden Asher is running over as fast as he can to Oakleigh because Scarlett threw a dodgeball straight at Oakleigh's face. Asher asks Oakleigh here to let me help you up and let's get you cleaned up ok, Oakleigh said aww thanks Asher that's really sweet of you, Oakleigh had just finished cleaning herself up and then she sees Asher going up to Scarlett and Asher said Hey Scarlett that was uncalled for Oakleigh hasn't done anything to you but been nice to you Scarlett. Scarlett was like oh look it's Blakes whittle brother trying to handle this situation, Oakleigh noticed that what Scarlett said really upset Asher, Oakleigh got up from where she was sitting and said Yō Scarlett seriously you just called a teenager a whittle kid I can't believe you would do that  because Asher isn't a whittle kid because a whittle kid wouldn't go up to someone and say that was uncalled for. Oakleigh continues saying Asher was more a man than a whittle kid and Asher is way more mature than you whittle miss. Scarlett didn't like that one bit and was about to punch Oakleigh, so Asher jumps as high as he can  Infront of Oakleigh to protect Oakleigh from getting punched by Scarlett, and Oakleigh had turned around and said Asher are you ok, Asher said I'm fine I did that jump  on purpose  I noticed she was going to punch you as soon as you turned around and I couldn't let that happen to you, Oakleigh was like ohh Asher that was so brave and thoughtful of you to do thank you for protecting me, here let me help you up and how about we go and get some Ice cream Asher said that's sounds yummy lets go Oakleigh. Blake and Lydia had finished their time at the park for a little bit before getting some Ice cream, so they hop in Blake's car and go over to the Ice cream place and went in to get some Ice cream, Oakleigh and Asher are in Oakleigh's car leaving the place that they just came out of tonight and headed to the Ice cream, place and it looks like they picked the same place Blake and Lydia had picked for Ice cream and, Lydia ran to me so fast she hugged me tight, and I said I was only gone for a couple hours, and Oakleigh looked down at her sisters face after her sister Lydia finished hugging her and noticed that something was up. Oakleigh looked at Blake then Blake looked at Lydia saying do you want to tell her or do you want me to tell her and Lydia pointed to Blake so that meant she wanted Blake to tell her sister what  happened. Oakleigh was like what happened Blake why does she look so scared, Blake had said when we were at the bowling alley Lydia asked me to bowl for her because she had to go to the restroom really quickly ok, and on her way back from the restroom she noticed  your ex bf Vincent. After Lydia noticed Vincent was there she ran back to me as fast as she could and by time she got to me it looked like she was out of breath, I Asked what was wrong and she was about to tell me but then Vincent showed up saying that he was coming  up to where we me and Lydia were sitting and was like I'm saving Lydia from a stranger and I told him I'm Lydia's neighbor. Lydia had said that her sister Oakleigh isn't here with us at all so you can leave ok, then Vincent had said woah Lydia I thought that we were close and Lydia had said in  certain tone to Vincent that they were never close and that's when I told Lydia that we were going to leave because I knew she didn't want to be there anymore especially when Vincent's there, and when we were in my car I told her that I'm not going to let anyone taker her away or hurt you or your sister Oakleigh, ok and so that's what happened, now what about my brother with the black eye I'll let him tell you that one ok.

That's it for right now, I'm going to be busy during the first 2-3 weeks of June so you'll see some more chapters after the 2-3 weeks in June. 


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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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