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Nezuko felt her eyelids getting heavy. She was having trouble paying attention in her math class. Surprisingly, she got put into an Advanced placement. The raven haired teenager rested her chin against the palm of her hands before slowly drifting to sleep.

On the other hand, Mr. Shinazugawa noticed and called her out.

"Nezuko, it's your first day and you're already showing failure in this class. If you fail to participate, you'll be removed from this course." Nezuko straightened in her seat as she felt all eyes on her. Some stifled laughs and giggles while some didn't seem to care. Nezuko nodded in response before the teacher went back to teaching.

"I'm seriously stuck with him for half a semester..."



The bell rang and students poured out the classrooms from all over campus. Nezuko was one of the students who stayed behind, hoping she'd be able to join the cooking club on her first day.

The young female walked around the campus, looking at the classroom numbers for room 2-A. Yet luck wasn't on her side today. Alas, she saw the blue eyed female she ran into earlier walking through the halls.

Reluctantly, she went up to her and caught up.

"Heyyy, what's up?" The blue eyed female stared in confusion.

"Oh, hey. Why are you still here?" She questioned. Nezuko felt embarrassed as she answered, "I'm looking for the classroom for the cooking club..." Nezuko sheepishly responded before scratching her cheek.

The blue eyed girl smiled before grabbing her hand and dragging her.

"That's where I'm going! Come on, we're gonna be late," Nezuko gave an awkward smile before the blue eyed girl let go of her hand.

While the two passed by classes, Nezuko eyes dazzled as she  stared into the classroom windows, fascinated by the student's club activities. A classroom that was  labeled 3-A had a small group of students who were playing their instrument. Nezuko stared in amazement as she listened to them play.

Meanwhile, the blue eyed girl looked over at Nezuko who was staring at the selective group playing music. She chuckled.

"They're pretty impressive, don't you think?" Nezuko nodded in agreement.

"Anyways... come to think of it," Nezuko looked at Aoi who was rubbing her chin in thought.

"What's your name?" She questioned.

"Nezuko. Yours?"

"Aoi. Nice to meet you, Nezuko."


"I see..." Nezuko quickly muttered as she cuddled her pillow while on the phone with a friend. She was in a white crop top while wearing a black skirt. They had just caught up with each other about the things that happened.

"Well, thank Murata for me! I'll talk to you later, Kanao~" She beamed. Nezuko was about to hang up until she heard someone talking in the background. Nezuko listened closely.

"Love, come on let's go, we can't have him waiting." Nezuko narrowed her eyes. She could tell it was her brother but she didn't know who he was meeting with.

"My bad, anyways, bye Nez! Take care of yourself!" Nezuko was about to say something but Kanao hung up.  The young female groaned in annoyance. 'And here I thought life will be great. They sure sound like they're having fun...' She hugged her pillow closer before randomly throwing her pillow across the room.

Grabbing her phone, she ran out her room and into her mom's. She quietly walked in and looked around. 'There's only pictures of us... None with dad in it...' Nezuko walked to her mother's closet as she pulled out a box. It was neatly organized, making it able for Nezuko to find what she wanted. Nezuko sat down, observing the box before she grabbed a tiny box hidden underneath some documents. She opened it to find nothing. Nezuko bit her lip before wondering where it went.

"Nez? What are you doing?" Nezuko quickly hid the tiny box in-between her thighs.

"Nothing!" Her mother sighed before walking to Nezuko.

"Are you wondering about the ring?" Nezuko shook her head.

"I saw you holding the box, Nezuko." She continued while Nezuko sat stiff as a rock.

"You see, I gave it to your brother..." The young female froze in place. 'She gave my brother the heirloom? But it was meant to go to me...' Nezuko fiddled with her fingers as she looked down at the floor. She could feel tears swell up in her eyes. 'He got one from dad's side... Why couldn't I get one from mom's side... Grandpa said it was mine...' Her mother noticed her behavior. Kie gave her a small pat on the head.

"I know what you're thinking," Her mother paused before continuing

"It was supposed to go to you." Nezuko looked at her mother. Kie could tell that she was demanding to know why her brother got it.

"Your father insisted. Especially since your brother is planning on marrying after his senior year." Nezuko scoffed. "Isn't she younger than him by two years?" She angrily spat out. Kie sighed before hugging her daughter and calmly spoke,

"I know that you don't like this decision, but don't be mad..." Nezuko pushed her mother away as she got up.

"He's always been the favorite... I hope his life gets ruined!" Nezuko stormed out the room, leaving her mother alone. Kie helplessly sighed. "She'll get over it, hopefully..."

"Kanao did forgive her..."

Boy Of The Dream [Zennezu]Where stories live. Discover now