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"..." Nezuko stared at the ceiling, thinking of her actions. 'I admit, I was acting immature...' Nezuko rolled over on her left, hugging her pillow to her chest. 'But he's always been the favorite...' Nezuko huffed before she threw her pillow at her mirror.


The mirror had broken into pieces. Nezuko hastily sat up at the noise, thinking someone had just broken in just to only see her mirror broken. Nezuko stared for a moment before rolling her eyes and lying back down. 'I'll clean that mess tomorrow.' The young female grabbed her phone off her dresser on the left and opened up KimetsGram, looking for someone to stalk. Nezuko scrolled through her feed, trying to find an interesting post from one of her old classmates.

She paused at a post. 'Is that Tanjiro and...' Nezuko paused. The young female clearly didn't remember the boys name.

"Genya..." She whispered as she stared at Genya's post.

"Weird... I would always see Tanjiro with Kanao..." She muttered. Nezuko shrugged it off and continued scrolling. She found some weird stuff about her school and about her so called "friend." He would be known for trying to stalk females that he would find... quote on quote, attractive.

*zenitsuagatsumaa has requested to follow you*

She raised her eyebrow in confusion at the notification.

"Haaaah!? This creep! How'd he get my account!?" Nezuko swiped down from her notification bar and clicked on it. When she clicked on it, she had the choice to either decline or accept. She could even view his profile. This was what Nezuko wanted to check.

Nezuko on his account, hoping to find some... non creepy stuff. To her relief, there was nothing weird posted. At least, the most recent posts. Zenitsu had around 69 posts; Which of course our dear Nezuko checked out.

While she scrolled down to his old posts, she came across pictures of him and his friends and family. She was really surprised that he would have different random females in his pictures—And of course excluding the possibility of them being friends.

After spending half an hour stalking his account, it was 3:26 AM. She set her phone down on her dresser and rolled over as she stared at the wall. Her mind was occupied of different things that had just happened. She wondered how she'll be able to make friends... especially the rumor going around.

Slowly, her eyes slowly closed as she drifted away into a deep slumber.

The blonde let go of her hand as he kneeled down with a ring in his hand. Nezuko felt his warm hands escape from her grasp. When she turned to look at him, he was kneeling on the ground with a ring.

Nezuko stared in shock, not knowing what to say.

"I know you've always avoided the topic but we've been in a relationship for a while... I want to be with you for the rest of my life, Nezuko." Her eyes widened in surprise as tears flowed down her cheeks.



Nezuko rubbed her eyes as she yawned, small rays of sunlight illuminated her room through the silky white curtains. Sitting up on her bed, she examined the shattered mirror before she groaned.

"I don't want to clean this..." She muttered before lying back down. She stared at the ceiling before slowly falling asleep again.

Boy Of The Dream [Zennezu]Where stories live. Discover now