Chapter Nineteen.

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I repeat... what have I gotten myself into?

"Heath!" I shout, my voice trembling as the car swerves dangerously around another sharp turn. My heart is pounding so hard it feels like it might burst out of my chest, and I can feel the color draining from my face, leaving me pale and terrified. The world outside blurs into a dizzying whirl as we speed down the road.

Heath doesn't even glance at me. His eyes are glued on the road; his face set in a fierce scowl, and his knuckles are white from gripping the steering wheel so tightly, it looks like he's trying to crush it... as if letting go would mean losing control.

"Heath, slow down, please!" I plead, gripping the door handle with one hand and clutching my seatbelt with the other, as if my life depends on it. Every muscle in my body is tense, my mind racing with a thousand thoughts. What if we crash? What if he loses control?

I squeeze my eyes shut.

He's not just speeding, he's racing on the highway, on the hill roads, recklessly. Not in a world caring about anything, anyone else. What was I thinking getting into this car with him? And... if only my emotions weren't all over the place and I wasn't so frightened out of my mind, I would've tried to understand him and even appreciate how effortlessly cool and dangerously hot he looks right now. The way he handles the car with such confidence, the intensity in his eyes, it's both terrifying and mesmerizing.

He takes another turn, too fast, too furious, and I whimper.

"I'm scared. Please stop, Heath..."

My eyes flutter open, meeting his dark, hollow stare. I believe he must be hurting, that something's driving him to act like this. But can't he be gentle, can't he slow down? He looks away and floors the gas pedal.

I bite my lip to keep from screaming. Ugh, I was supposed to be having lunch with my roommate, not risking my life in a wild car race. He's practically flying through the air, and my limbs tremble violently from fear and anxiety. I feel his eyes on my shaking thighs, then notice a faint smile on his face.

What the heck! Is he enjoying this while I am about to lose it?

Mustering courage, I decide to distract myself. So, I turn my head and look out the window. A late afternoon sky that offers no solace. It's dark and gloomy, like a bruise, with no sign of the sun and only heavy clouds looming over the horizon, reminding me of the guy next to me.

I grunt under my breath, side-eyeing him. He looks so intimidating. Not a peep escapes his mouth. Then I sigh. I wish he would just talk to me, tell me what's bothering him... when I see it – a flash of metal coming too close, and I scream.

"Heath! Watch out!"

As if my voice jolts him out of a trance, he suddenly yanks the wheel and slams the brakes. The car screeches to a halt, and the abrupt stop sends me lurching forward despite the seatbelt holding me back. I gasp, instinctively tightening my grip on the handle when I notice something else... His arm shoots out protectively, bracing me against the momentum.

I glance up at him through my lashes. His face remains stoic, but his eyes reveal a storm of concern and something deeper, flickering beneath the surface.

My vision blurs as tears well up, and a clamor of fear and relief from the close call washes over me.

A single tear rolls down my cheek, and in that instant, my composure shatters, and I break down.


The diner buzzes with the hum of conversation and the clatter of dishes. The neon lights outside cast a soft glow through the windows, adding a nostalgic charm to the place. I bite my nail, then my bottom lip, as I sneak a glance at him. Heath's sitting across from me in a cozy red leather booth, his back to the window that offers a panoramic view of the parking lot, the road, and the horizon. But I can't appreciate the scenery. I'm too mortified to. I avert my eyes, inwardly groaning.

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