Chapter Twenty-Five.

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♡ M I L A ♡

"Finally! We're done with the midterms." Jennie squeals with delight, wrapping her arm around my shoulders and jolting me out of my daydream.

I blink and manage a smile, nodding.

"I know. It was a nightmare." Isla agrees.

"That it was," Jennie nods, then her eyes sparkle as she raves, "But it's over. And I can't wait for the game tonight. Halloween-themed, and it would be so amusing to see that smug Sanders in his costume. Oooh, and my cousin. Wow! Hockey players in costumes is such a brilliant idea..." She goes on and on about how she hopes to see the entire team dressed up as something ridiculous.

"Yeah, it is," I nod along and sigh, but I'm pretty sure, no, definitely on board with the fact that Heath would look handsome in whatever he wears. My heart flutters at the thought as I resume my walk and drift back into my other thoughts, appreciating the cool breeze caressing my face and the fall leaves crunching under my boots... until I silently acknowledge she's not holding onto me anymore.

Heath, your name echoes inside my head, making me feel things I've never felt before, but so do those words you uttered that night. It's clear as day something's haunting you... but did you really mean that? Did you really kill someone? Or is it just your regret eating you alive? And will you tell me if I ask you?

I absentmindedly fiddle with my fingers and sigh.

Why am I like this? Why do I want to know about it? To know more about you? Your presence is overwhelming, it makes me leave gasping for air, and so do the sweet yet confusing words that escape your lips and your actions toward me. You bring me coffee, save a seat for me in class, study with me in the library, and then you drape your jacket over my shoulders when I fall asleep. Why do I like it all so much? Why do I like it when I catch you staring at me and you don't look away, even though your intense gaze causes my stomach to somersault? Or when I catch you smile... you do all these things, yet you try to keep your distance from me, never letting me in on your thoughts.

I sigh again. I really want to know him. Am I wrong to feel that?

I'm a few steps ahead when Jennie catches up with me and blurts out, "You know, I think I saw Kaitlyn hooking up with Jude and Marshall."

"That's nice of them," I reply, pretending to care.

I hear a frustrated sigh, and then she says next. "You know, I think I should dress up as a slut tonight." I click my tongue, "Okay, you'll look great." I hear the girls snicker around me, but I'm too absorbed in staring at the leaves getting crushed under my feet when suddenly a scream shatters my reverie. "I'M PREGNANT!"

I freeze and spin around, shocked.

I feel my jaw drop, and my eyes widen as I see Jennie standing before me with her hands on her hips, looking smug.

"Wait, what? You're what?" I stutter, unable to comprehend her words.

"Wow," she snaps and gives me a look of disbelief. "Now you pay attention."

"What?" I repeat, confused, as she crosses her arms and glares at me. "Oh, honey, you're doing it again. You're spacing out, Mila!" She scolds me with a sneer. "Am I? Sorry. It's a habit, you know," I mumble, slumping my shoulders. I then shake my head and anxiously ask my roommate. "So, you are pregnant? For real? Are you feeling okay? And is Asher the father? Does he know?"

Jennie rolls her eyes and smirks as I bombard her with questions, and then I look at Isla, who gives me a sympathetic smile.

I feel my frown deepen in puzzlement.

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