10. The Exposed

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Eli had visited Genua twice, once with his father as a child and once in his early days as an information broker.

He remembered despising the visit both times.

Genua and the surrounding area was a deceptively pleasing place with its warm wind, shining sun and bright blue sky; even the city itself was beautiful: Thousands of panes of crystal glass refracted millions of tiny rainbows sending dazzling sprays of light out across the countryside. The picture it painted from a distance was one of idyllic perfection, like something one might find in a storybook, but perhaps it was the deceptive veneer of the city that made it so repulsive to him.

They continued down the small dirt path until they came upon a marble pathway trailing with lazy undulations of color as it wound towards the distant crystal city.

Peter's eyes were wide with wonder, "So...clean."

It was quite a stark difference from Veerus, and he could see on Peter's face that the city had done its job, luring him in with its bright and inviting appearance, never considering what hideousness lay inside.

Soon they began to see other people on the path, walking in from outlying houses,which were also made of gemlike glass. Peter looked on in wonder, raising his head to the people as they passed close.

It wasn't until a distraught woman scurried onto the path in front of him, that Peter finally understood what the City truly was.

"GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF!" The woman howled, throwing herself to the ground in a tight ball, ragged nails tearing and scratching at her skin until bright red blood marred her body. Peter stepped back in shock, and Eli stepped with him, placing a hand protectively in front of Peter as she rolled on the ground before them. Her hair was matted and wild with dirt, grime was caked under her fingernails, and the smell which emanated from her reminded Peter of the infected ones in Veerus. What he been misconstrued as light brown and black clothing, was now nothing more than grime.

Her only coverings were massive black words which scrolled across her skin.

The woman rolled on the ground clawing at her arms and chest as the words continued to roll across her.

She was completely naked.

I am a liar, I am a cheater and a liar and now my children are dead.

Peter turned away hurriedly, face ashen, his bright blue eyes wide in horror as the woman went rolling away leaving a steak of crimson and brown on the white marble path.

Barely anyone looked towards the disturbance, continuing their unfailing daily commute down the white marble road. Peter stood nonplussed on the marble and stared into the tall grass where the woman had vanished, his mouth open in an expression of horror. Eli, for his part, steadied Peter and walked the two of them around the quickly drying blood. The scene was not entirely characteristic of Genua, but a good representation of what Genua could do to a person under extreme circumstances. It was a blessing that Peter had been forced to experience it so early on in their visit. Now he would be under no illusions as to the reality of the city. Better to experience Genua hard and fast then try to dip your toes in and walk in slowly. The shock was only that much worse if you tried to coddle yourself.

The true horror of Genua became apparent as they got closer. Peter realized it was not, in fact, clothing that these people were wearing, but simply their own thoughts, projected on their skin like rolling ink. He was able to read flashes of words as they passed.



Everyone is looking at me

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