28 Lighthouse

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 Eli jolted awake groggy and disoriented to the sound of banging on the door. Upon opening his eyes he was immediately confronted by the sight of a billowing cloud of gray smoke hanging over his body. He gasped and pulled away watching the smoke dissipate and vanish, eyes falling upon his skin which had gone transparent almost to his forearms.

Across the room, Adrian stood from a sitting position across from Wink reaching his hand into his bag and withdrawing the short nosed compact.

Peter was still clearly trying to rouse himself.

More knocking on the door.

"Ass end of the Outbreak, Adrian, OPEN UP!"

Hearing the voice, Adrian lowered his weapon and hurried over to the door. Eli frowned as he recognized that voice and looked out to see Thyke standing in the doorway. She was wearing the same studded leather armor they had seen her in when she left Genua, and her long white hair whipped behind her in the breeze.

Her hazy white eyes seemed to stare directly at them despite being sightless.


She clicked her tongue twice in that strange way that she had and shook her head in astonishment, "Well I'll be Twisted, Adrian it really is you, and here I was only half believing."

For a moment Adrian was left speechless before raising his arms and leaning in to hug Tykhe in shock, "It's been forever." He said as she batted at him with a hand

"Yes yes, it is good to see you too, but we don't have time for warm reunions."

"What do you mean?"

The old woman sighed, blowing a strand of long gray hair out of her face, "It's difficult to explain."

"Wait.... How did you know this place was here?" he wondered.

Eli shook himself trying to rid himself of the sleep that was still trying to overtake him. His mind was still rather fuzzy and muddled. He held his arms to his chest hoping that no one could see the fading of his hands. Even the sound in the room seemed off, somehow distant and muffled.

Tykhe was ushered inside against her protests.

"You still haven't answered my question", Adrian was saying.

Tykhe brushed off the front of her studded leather armor, "I've known for a while. Had this place described marked on an old world map I recovered from Agony some time back. Lost the map in a scuffle unfortunately, but remembered the location." She tapped the side of her head, "Not like I needed to see it anyway."

"An old world map?" Adrian asked, eyes widening with interest

Peter was standing now just behind Adrian's shoulder.

Eli on the other hand was finding it difficult to rise to his feet. His head was foggy, and his limbs seemed oddly cold.

He was having trouble focusing.

"Yes, old world maps. This tower of yours is a relic from a time long past." She patted the stones, "Had I known the tower belonged to you I would have visited before, but up until now, I haven't had the opportunity. Came to visit on my way north to twisted."

Adrai learned the concern evident in his voice, "Twisted, why there?"

"I think you damn well know why, Adrian. Reports and rumors flooding in from the north, stalkers and outbreak and revealed gathering in the northern fields of the Exposed en masse like they have never gathered before. All to do with some..... Temple or university or what have you. I was on my way up there to see if the rumors were true."

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