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They solved all the issues they had to on the Gem homeworld.
Signed contracts.
Repaired stuff.
Sold new injectors.

It was a busy week.

Flug chose not to think about anything, not the long stares Black Hat was giving him, not his weird dreams that became more and more confusing and made him wake up all sweaty and frustrated, either from how terrifying they were or other... reason..

But he already feels like he's close to snap at that old demon : "You got something to say? Spill it out! "

Of course he knows the price of it, but the tiredness always comes with a bit of delusion.

He was lying on the bed, staring at the crystal cealing.
The room was huge, it's a palace after all.
To think about this, he's the only being on this planet that needs to sleep.
' I wonder what Dementia and 5.0.5 are up to.
I wonder... I wonder what 5.0.5 tried to tell me 2 weeks ago, when this weird energy settled upon all of them. '

It's still early, but his eyes were slowly closing. 'At least the work is over and tomorrow I'll be home'

Burning in oversensitivity - he opened his eyes as the afternoon rolled into night. Stings of pleasure sparked painfully between his thighs whenever he shifted even a little and a heat creeped up from inside. It's torture to stand there still, not moving a muscle for fear of alerting the other.
Who knows what the eldritch will do if he realizes that he's not asleep. Is it a dream again? Or is it real this time? He questions this every time. No, it must be a dream, the ceiling is now of a crimson red.
An uneasy feeling struck him, as the ceiling of the lab appeard in front of his eyes and once again he felt like he was drowning.
He could hear something, a muffled voice.

Someone was screaming in pain.

But something was stoping his brain from processing of who exactly was that.

The headache felt like hundreds of parasites moving under his skull. Frustration, confusion, fear, pain were the sea he was sinking in.


The demon was taking a walk through the huge hallways of the crystal castle.
Something felt off and He wanted to check personally.

He looked out the window ,noticing some strange movements in a corner far away, but He didn't have enough time to react as a vivid light striked through his chest sending him in the opposite wall.
The hit caused a huge earthquake, shaking half of the building.

For a mere second He fainted.


It was his own voice.

He realized as the wall dissipated.

And once again the well known coldness and smell of the lab woke his senses. And he was too afraid to open his eyes.

Pain was all over the body, but mostly.. mostly-
He wanted to vomit.

He opened his eyes.
Facing Black Hat's terrifying grin that was slowly opening, revealing the sharpness of his fangs that in less than a second pierced into his skull.

Flug screamed. Screamed as the demon was still moving and with every move images of the past were flashing before his eyes.


Rage. He was burning in it.
"Who? Who dared? "

Amethysts and Jaspers were already all around the crack in the wall, to protect their honored guest.
He was fuming, His whole body morphing into something indescribable.

Never was He struck like that, His entire balance was disturbed, for an entire second His powers went off. And trust me that's a lot of shit to deal with later. The eldritch stepped on the crushed remains.

Looked outside and... "SOME FUCKIN KIDS!??!!!?"

"Shit we missed! "
"The hat! You should've hit the hat!!!"

"YOU miserable wastes of carbon!!!"- as he talked His voice became more aggravated and His shapeless body grew bigger and bigger.
" Run Dissel! Run!! " - the heroes ran in the opposite direction.

'Who are these pathetic humans? How did they get here!?! What kind of machine is that?? '

3 years ago
Project: "Take off the hats"

Blast - newbie hero. A young man with a gold cape, light blue costume and white hair.
Dissel - newbie hero. An older woman with huge metallic knuckles, black shorts, black top a short brown jacket and a messy brown hair.

The project was started by Goldheart himself.
"We need to create a machine to struck the demon through his hat directly. We'll have only one chance. "
"What? Why only one? " - asked Dissel.
"The accumulation of the right amount of energy that the machine needs to function takes at least 2 hours. And the chance that it will handle to struck twice is not big. "

It was a big project, a very promising one. But after the loss of the members of "Podemos bailar" it fell off the top priority.
"The men without hats were lost and we can't lose more. It's too dangerous. Not to mention that it still is an experiment that we can't even test. So don't do anything stupid Dissel, you hear me? "
"Yes Goldheart. "

"His arguments are so stupid. "- she kicked a trash can.
" I don't know miss" - Blast looked down. "Since He appeared out of nowhere, we lose more and more of ours. Good strong heroes. Poor Sunblast, he was one of the best! " - he said
"That's why we should avenge him! Avenge all of them! "

"But Goldheart said-"
"I heard what he said!.. Trust me Blast. "- she put a hand on his and squeezed it softly.

" Trust me.."

A mortifying growl echoed throughout the entire HomeWorld.
Flug knew that voice, knew it too well. He woke up, slowly left the bed, stumbling as the floor was shaking and pieces of ceiling were falling everywhere.

He reached the window and his mouth gaped.

He was so numb, so hollow , the light in his eyes faded, but in that moment the dark blue sky painted with a beautiful landscape of an infinity of colors mixed in the raging fire.

Colors from cracking gems.
Screams of terror.

"Incredible how beautiful" a tear fell down his cheek "And how cruel.. "

I'm scared.

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