moving in!

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"mami i told you i want to stay with you and papi" my mom rolls her eyes at me and says "mija i told you it's what's best now call Charlie to come get you after you pack and promise me you'll be good to Yuki okay?" "si mami i promise" charlie was our personal driver and i was going to live with yuki my moms friend in her home because my parents were starting to have a lot of issues and it was getting really bad so they were going to this trip for a couple months together to try and work things out. so for a bit i'm going to go live in california with yukis family which was going to be a little bit of an adjustment from miami. but at least i'll see my best friend Shuji and miranda and connie so it was alright. Yuki was a very nice lady and so is her family so i don't mind it much but i'll miss my mom so much not so much my dad he was a huge ass and my mom deserves better but whatever. i hug my mother very tightly and say "mami i love you so much and i'll miss you so much" she looks at me and says "i love your more okay beautiful?" after her and my dad left i didn't bother saying anything to him though.

I pull out my phone and call shuji "hey shu i'm almost done packing the charlie's going to pick me up i'll see you soon" "okay n/n love you see you soon" "love youuuu" i hang up and sigh as i look at all my bags "i shouldn't pack so much i can go to the mall over there right?" i currently had five huge suitcases packed with clothes and i hadn't even packed my shoes yet so i just decided to pack one suit case with shoes which was a bit hard and got into a simple outfit.

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Then i call charlie and wait for him to pick me up and while i'm waiting i pull out my cigarettes after my parents started to fight a lot i started to do things like smoking to help me cope but no one really knew about it

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Then i call charlie and wait for him to pick me up and while i'm waiting i pull out my cigarettes after my parents started to fight a lot i started to do things like smoking to help me cope but no one really knew about it. after a bit i see charlie so i quickly put more perfume on and head downstairs and then charlie comes out and helps put my luggage in the car and then after looks at me and says " Ms L/n are you sure you don't want to bring in more stuff" i look at him and smile "i'll just buy more over there" then i get into the car and say thank you to charlie for everything he was always so sweet towards me so i was going to miss him.
  *time skip to the airplane cuz this boring asf also we flied in a private airplane btw
#richlife🤗 LMFAO*

As I settle into my seat at the air plane i think about how different my life is gonna be when i move to the ishii-peters but i then fall asleep and wake up when the plane arrives i get my purse and go get my luggage and then i see yuki and shuji and maya and go running to shuji to hug him "hey shuj i've missed you so much" "n/n i've missed you toooooo" then i greet yuki and say hi to maya and then maya looks at me and then my luggage and says "y/n is that all yours?!" i laugh and say "yeah i know i'm a bit much but i just love my clothes" 

then we head to the mayas house and yuki brings me to my now room and says "i know it's bland but your parents said i can take you shopping to make it look more you" i smile at her and hug her and say "i really appreciate you letting me stay here yuki" she smiles at me and says "of course but go shower and then to sleep because tomorrow is your first day" and then she walks out of my room.
i lay down in bed and get my pjs ready and then i grab my purse and call connie "hey con how are you?" "great im so excited for tomorrow" "i know me to and guess what my tits and ass totally grew!" "Oh my!! same i like feel so confident for tomorrow" i giggle and then maya comes into my room "hey n/n you can shower now" i look at her and smile "okay thanks" i hear connie laugh and say "i feel bad you have to live with her" i giggle a bit and say "she's not to bad but she's a bit to much sometimes but it's okay but i have to go shower" "okay later slut" "later loser" i hang up and grab my pjs and head to the shower.
your pjs:

you call your mom and let her know how you are and then you go to shujis room "hey whore" i say smiling "hey asswhole" i laugh and say "excited for 8th grade?" he rolls his eyes "fuck no are  you excited for 7th?" "eh i'm kinda excited i guess" he...

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you call your mom and let her know how you are and then you go to shujis room "hey whore" i say smiling "hey asswhole" i laugh and say "excited for 8th grade?" he rolls his eyes "fuck no are  you excited for 7th?" "eh i'm kinda excited i guess" he looks at me a bit more serious and says "just be careful n/n now that you've um you know grown i look at him in disgust "ew shuji don't say that" "sorry i know but like boys are pervs and like just be careful okay?" "okayyyy anyways love you goodnight" "love you to nerd now get out" i smile and say okay and head to my room

i hear maya and her best friend Anna talking and i hear maya say "Na like you know n/n she's so cool she literally has the perfect body and is like totally rich it's crazy na i'm pretty sure she has bigger knockers then connie" i laugh to myself and start unpacking a bit of stuff and a pull out my computer and the room had a desk so i set it up and i also start unpacking a bit of clothes and shoes and my makeup After i'm done i decided it was probably really late so i should probably go to sleep.

a/n i hope you guys liked this it might be bad since it's my first book but i hope you guys are liking it and i'll try to update as much as i can amd make longer chapters and dw we will be introduced to brandt next chapter;) if you have any criticism please comment it:) and please vote!

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