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Hi guys, I literally just had surgery to remove two tumours hence not being able to update. I've been pretty out of it due to the drugs and omg my throat hurts from being intubated. So, bare with me with this chapter it may be a little slow.

It was cold, which was weird. Maria was sure she was face down on a bed of sand in the middle of Iraq mere seconds ago. Her body felt heavy, she couldn't get her eyes to open but she felt as if she was standing. As if her feet were just barely touching the floor, she kept hearing voices around her. Zoning in and out, she tried to fight whatever drug they'd given her but it was futile. Her eyes drooped, her body going slack once again. She was asleep, blood dripping down her face from where she'd been hit. This was not how she had wanted it to go.

"Call in Beta Team, Now!" Bobbi shouted, now in command. Thompson was patching Novak up and Davis looked as if she was going to cry before she ran to get Carter. Jason busied himself running for more medical supplies. When they stepped onto the quinnjet, Bobbi took one last look to make sure that nobody had followed them. They hadn't. Maria had ensured that they wouldn't be followed, that they'd be able to get Novak onto the Jet alive. To get them all home safe, and alive.

"Where's Hill?" came a voice Bobbi was not yet used to, having only heard it a few times back on the Hellicarrier, it was their Russian stowaway.

"Go sit down, Romanoff" Morse brushed her off, she didn't have time for this. She knew Maria and Natasha had some sort of connection but she worried Natasha's emotions would fuck up the already fucked up mission.

"Morse, where is Hill?" Natasha spat. Bobbi pinched the bridge of her nose, she could see how the red head always managed to piss the brunette off.

"If you want to help, go help Thompson patch Novak up!" Bobbi shouted, Natasha refused to move.

"They got her." Davis interrupted, the younger Agent looked pale. Clearly the days events had worn her out alongside the guilt of leaving Maria.

"What? How?" Natasha looked impatient, not allowing worry to flash across her face but instead mere agitation. If they were going to let her help, she'd have to play it cool. Bobbi sighed, Davis was a good Agent but she needed to learn to shut up.

"The mission went FUBAR, We were a mile off but then their was an explosion. We were knocked off out feet. Maria couldn't walk, their was shrapnel deeply embedded into her leg" Bobbi explained, also looking a bit weary and broken.

"So you just left her!" Natasha deadpanned, shocked at their actions.

"No, she ordered us to go. She's our commanding officer and I'd be damned to betray her direct order." Bobbi glared at Romanoff, visibly pissed off at Natasha's accusation.

Natasha took a minute to breathe and school her emotions, she needed to analyse the situation. She needed to become the Black Widow. She needed to save the one person who she actually cared about.

"I'm going" Natasha deadpanned, turning around to grab some gear.

"You don't have permission" Bobbi countered, but Natasha didn't care.

"It's a good job that I didn't ask for it" Natasha didn't bother to look at Bobbi before she began suiting up. Bobbi looked at Sharon who just nodded her head in return, they didn't have time to wait for the other team. They needed Maria back now, and why waste the Black Widow?

"Fine" Bobbi sighed, she knew there was no other way. "Take Carter with you, I'll make sure Novak doesn't off it" Bobbi turned around, clearly done with the conversation.

Natasha was suited up, she was surprised to see widow bites on the jet but she didn't hesitate to grab them. She noticed a few hand guns, she took a double glance before grabbing one at putting it in her holster. It was Maria's favourite gun and she'd give it to her as soon as she saw her. Maria was not allowed to leave her that easily.

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