W H O 'S G O N N A K I S S T H E R E D H E A D S?

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Hey guys, I wasn't going to write anything today but I've come to the conclusion I am unable to do anything else in my current predicament. So, as usual, Enjoy!

As soon as Maria's feet touched the ground she felt unsatisfied, there was just too much to do and Fury thought shore leave was the best idea? She wondered what they wrote in her file, physically unfit? She sighed, there was one thing Agent Maria Hill did not like and it was being useless. She always needed a distraction, a mission objective, a reason. But, she didn't have one. Just the three words Nick had ordered her to complete, "Just Relax, Maria". She scoffed, the Hellicarrier was going to struggle without her. She was Miss everything-must-be-perfect-and-work-efficiently. They were going to regret allowing her to have a break.

It was cold out, the bitter air of New York brushed across Maria's face sending shivers down her spine. She took a deep breath before reaching into her pocket to grab her apartment keys, it was times like this she was reminded that she did indeed have her own home and not just a home in SHIELD or in the Military. Maria didn't hate her apartment, not at all, it was big and spacious and well it was empty. She wasn't any good at decorating or well caring, what was the point anyway? It wasn't like anybody else lived there, she didn't have to cater towards anyone else. It was perfect, but she still couldn't fight off that lonely feeling. The same feeling that crept up on her every night, reminding her that it was her against the world. That no body was coming to save her: That she didn't deserve saving.

Maria's first night was pretty uneventful, she'd made dinner and then paced her apartment for a few hours willing her leg to work properly. Of course, Maria as stubborn as she is, refused to use her cane. Then she went to bed. That was it, lights out. Well, at least she wishes it was just lights out. That would make life much easier.

She had woken around 5am sweating, immediately sitting up and her fist flying up to her heart to clench at her shirt. She had sat like that for five minutes, breathing erratically with tears threatening to spill. By the time she'd manage to slow her breathing was around the same time she'd noticed a strange figure stood at her door. At first she thought she was imagining it, 'well done Hill, you're not even 30 and you're already losing the plot', then the shadowy figure moved, turning away from Maria's room and into her living room in her open plan apartment. That's when Maria's blood turned cold: Someone was in her house.

She pulled out her gun from her draw and stood up in one swift motion, Maria didn't know who'd she'd be without a gun. They both worked perfectly together, fluidly. The brunette didn't bother to get changed, it wasn't like her intruder would live much longer to see her in her oversized shirt and sleep shorts anyway.

Maria made her way to the door, she brushed a stray hair behind her ear before opening the door. It was dark, the atmosphere felt eery. Her gun was held out in front of her, ready. She snapped the light on, scanned the whole area.

"What the fuck" Maria whispered, clearly having had enough. The intruder didn't bother reply, but instead offered a lopsided grin. Maria put the safety back on her gun and glared at the shorter woman who was sat down with a blanket draped around her before putting her gun down and walking over to the sofa to join her.

"Romanoff, what are you doing?" Maria sighed, once again brushing her hair out of her face. She wished she took the time to get dressed and put her hair up, she couldn't help but feel messy. Natasha however eyed the taller woman up and down: Maria looked adorable. Her brunette locks resting gently below her shoulders and her West point shirt was a bit bigger than her, just about covering her sleep shorts. Maria looked comfy.

"Well I was watching Tv" Natasha answered in her usual nonchalant style, "But then you started to" Natasha didn't finish that sentence, she didn't want to embarrass the brunette and say 'Hi yes, I just stared at you whilst you had a panic attack post nightmare'. Natasha wondered if she could say ' It doesn't matter, I have them too' but she didn't dare. "Well anyway I went to you room to check on you, and you calmed down and so I left".

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