Unrecognizable Cabin

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Fast forward

The next morning I woke up and looked around,no one was here,like always.I got up and ready then went to breakfast.

"Heyyy!" Madison smirked."heyy!"i smirked back."tomorrow our parents pick us up so we have to make today count!" I demanded."we can make it count?" Jaden smirked as he sat next to me."EW JADEN?!" Jayla said."what?she said so?!" He said putting his hands up.

We all went out for today and walked around.At some point me and Jaden were alone on a trail,very far from our group.

"You know we're all alone,right?" He smirked."yes.but-" "buttttt,you said you wanted today to count." He said pulling my arm."Jaden what are you doing?" I asked.He took us to this one building that I didnt recognize.

"Jaden wtf?" He had took us to a cabin with no windows."just come onnnn!" He groaned pulling my arm.He pulled me into the cabin and closed the door,the room only being lit with one lamp and a few candles spread around the room.

"Jaden with looks like smth straight out of a horror movie..." I said while loosening Jadens grip on my arm."what?nah." He said as he left the room and went into another.K sat on the couch and checked my pockets for my phone cause my ears started ringing.

"Shit..." I muttered,My phone wasn't in my pockets!K stood up and looked down at the couch to see if my phone fell out my pockets.I didn't bring it with me.

"JADEN WHAT IS TAKING SO LONG?!" My heart started racing.What if this was gonna be a scene in a horror movie?!Jaden didn't respond so I ran to the door.It was locked from the outside!?HOW TF-

I sat in the most lit corner and fell to the floor,hugging my legs,and crying into my knees.

Jaden didn't come out for another 15 minutes!

"Y/n?!Y/n are you good?" He said kneeing in front of me."JADEN WTF WERE YOU DOING THAT TOOK SO LONG?!I STARTED HAVING A FUCKING PANICK ATTACK WHILE YOU WERE DOING WHATEVER??!!" I said putting my hands up in the air."im sorry...But my phone was blowing up and-" "HOW MUCH?!HOW MUCH THAT YOU HAD TO LEAVE ME FOR 15 GODDAMN MINUTES IN THIS CREEPY ASS CABIN!?" "A FUCKING LOT!MADIX SAW US AND LOCKED US IN HERE AND TEXTED ME 'have fun lovebirds ;)' IM FUCKING SORRY!" He said showing me his phone.

I snatched his phone and started reading their texts.I'm not finna type allat so basically...

Jaden was begging Madix to unlock the door but Madix wouldn't unless...Unless they traded me.

After reading that I shot up to see if the door was unlocked.Thankfully it wasn't!But I still wanted to get out so k started kicking,punching,and pulling at the doorknob trying to get out.Jaden noticed this and grabbed my waist,pulling me back and against him.

"JADEN!" I yelled while trying to get out his grip."I didn't get to show you why I took us in here yet?" He said."JADEN!I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD!"

Jaden turned me around and pulled me closer to him."Im sorry y/n..." "A sorry isn't enough!" I said."I know...k have a better sorry." He said glancing at my lips.My eyes widened at this before he smashed his lips on mine.I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck as he had his hands on my waist.

I slowly walked him back to the couch and pushed him down on it.He looked up at me and before I got on top of him I heard a lock click and immediately turned to the door."Y/N?!" Jaden yelled as I swung the door open."JADEN!" I yelled back in the same tone.

I ran out the building at started running back.Jaden following shortly after.

"Y/n what the fuck." He said as he walked next to me."what?the only reason I did that was because I needed smth to occupy me while I was trapped in a cabin." I said while shrugging my shoulder."ARE YOU SERIOUS?!WHAT IF IT WENT FURTHER?" He whispered to me,obviously mad."then oh well?" I shrugged and started skipping.


Summer camp (Jaden Walton)(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now