Chapter 1

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"Look man, I'm serious, okay? I saw this with my own eyes." A muffled voice on the radio spoke. The driver of a pickup truck was half listening in on the conversation on the radio. He could feel his eyes start to get heavy and to combat that he grabbed his burger in the passenger seat. Possibly something to do would keep his attention.
"Oh, I believe you, buddy. I believe you. Just tell us a story, tell us a story." Another voice on the radio spoke, not very amused by the other person's story.
"Okay, well, it was Friday night-I was walking home from the bar...This woman started coming towards me...She was staggering, you know...So I, figured she was drunk." The first person recalled the story.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay. Tell us, be honest now, how many drinks did you have?"
"No man, I, barely had a buzz on."
"Oh c'mon."
"No, just listen, alright? She got closer, I got a good look at her...You had to see her eyes, her nose...Her whole face...looked like it was rotting!"
"She looked like a corpse-Like a walking corpse, man!"
The truck driver couldn't help but let out a small and amused chuckle. There's no way a corpse could walk, correct? Eventually, the radio became static, and the truck driver looked down at the radio, trying to dial the radio back to the station he was on. While his eyes were off the road a figure showed up, causing the truck to hit it. The truck driver slammed on his brakes and walked out into the rain to check on the person. The blood from his face drained once he saw the pool of blood around the figure's head. While looking away, wondering what to do, the figure started to stand up.

"A little to your right." A young woman in her 20s with pale skin, short curly dirty blonde hair pulled into a small ponytail with her bangs still visible, her aqua blue eyes with a hint of makeup on her eyelids. Even with the concealer under her eyes, the dark circles on her eyes were still visible from her sleepless nights during college. The young woman, gripped her energy drink while looking up at the  blue and yellow welcome sign being put up. Two of her coworkers, George and Elliot stood on step stools as they tried to center the welcome sign.
"Are you sure rookie? This doesn't look centered." Elliot retorted to the young woman who was looking up at the sign. In the office, most of her coworkers called her Rookie rather than her actual name.
"It doesn't look centered because you're looking at it at an angle," George responded to Elliot while pinching the bridge of his nose as a headache was forming. He was an older man, most likely in his late 40s, or early 50s. His buzz-cut hair although mostly a dark brown color had hints of grey in it.
"Besides Elliot, do you wanna try doing this?" The young woman spoke as a slight and sly smirk started to form on her face.
"Rookie I think you're directionally challenged," Elliot said softly under his breath
"Maybe you're directionally challenged." The young woman retorted to him as the smirk on her face grew bigger. A small giggle was heard from the desk behind her, they all turned towards the source of the giggle. It was Rita, a woman a little bit older close to the age of Elliot, she had dark skin and hazel eyes. Her dark curly hair was pulled into a low ponytail to pull her curls away from her face while reviewing reports.
"She's right Elliot, anytime we have to drive around and give directions you always struggle," Rita spoke, this caused the rookie along with George to burst out laughing making Elliot's cheek heat up from embarrassment. Their two other coworkers, Neil and David, who had their faces buried in their laptops and their 3rd cup of coffee this morning weren't paying attention to what was going on around them. As soon as they heard the laughter they both perked their heads up.
The laughter died down as they all turned their attention to Lieutenant Marvin Branagh, who usually was very cheery this morning it was almost annoying walked into the office with a pissed-off look in his eyes. All of the police officers darted their eyes at him as they saw the change in his usual demeanor. He was mumbling something under his breath but no one around him could really hear. As everyone's eyes followed Marvin and him entering his office, they all look at each other with the look of confusion in their eyes. They all whispered to each other, wondering what the sudden change in his demeanor was.
"What's up with Lieutenant?" The young woman walked towards her desk which was across from Rita's desk and asked Rita. Rita looked back at her laptop and shrugged slightly. In the corner of her eye, she could see the two men Elliot and George move to Marvin's office and lightly knock on the door.
"I don't know...let's hope he goes back to normal eventually," Rita spoke in a hushed voice as she tried to take her mind off of what was going on around her and continue to read the reports. The rookie started to feel her hands shake as her leg started to bounce slightly in anxiety. She looked around the office, trying to find something she could possibly do to keep her mind off of this or help Marvin.
"Rookie!" The young woman was snapped out of her thoughts she heard someone call for her. Her blue/green eyes were met with Elliot, instead of his usual cocky self his eyes showed signs of concern. She tilted her head slightly in curiosity as she looked at Elliot, he motioned for her to move to Marvin's office. She soon got up from her desk, and slowly made her way across the office. She could feel her heartbeat beating so loud, she wondered if her coworkers could also hear it. Elliot and George soon moved out of Marvin's office, Elliot went straight to talk to Rita in a hushed voice.
"You wanted me, Marvin?" She asked in a breathy tone as her heart was still beating out of her chest. The Lieutenant, Marvin, was sitting in his normal brown leather chair but he faced the window. The weather seemed to reflect the mood of everyone in the office, ominous. He didn't move to look at the young woman, instead, he held out a scrap of paper with some numbers on it. She tilted her head slightly in confusion and curiosity as she saw the piece of paper.
"I need you to call the new guy, Officer Kennedy, to tell him to come next week," Marvin spoke as his attention moved to the huge pile of papers on his wooden desk, he didn't look at her as he handed her a scrap of paper. The young woman soon grabbed the paper and examined the numbers on it, as expected it was the phone number of the new officer.
"Yes sir." She spoke softly while nodding her head. She left the office as she felt everyone's eyes on the back of her neck. As soon as she sat down on her brown leather chair at her wooden desk, Marvin emerged from his small office that was across from the other private office that was held by Chief Irons. The angry look was still in his eyes as he let out a small sigh, everyone's eyes darted toward him as they waited for him to speak.
"Chief Irons...he is ordering me to take everyone to protect the city from some riot going on near town hall. Everyone suit up." He spoke as he let out another long sigh. Everyone started to get up from their desks as they all whispered slightly and groaned slightly at the riot taking place. Marvin soon met eyes with the rookie and he shook his head at her.
"I need you to stay here rookie..." he said softly before moving to the weapons locker with all the other police officers. The young woman sighed softly as she saw all her friends suit up and grab their strongest weapons. They all soon were ready with a bulletproof vest, their strongest weapons, and plenty of ammo they all soon went to the garage to get into their police cars. The police office, which was usually full of people and energy was soon barren as the rookie was all by herself.
The sun was slowly setting as the rookie stood by her office phone, as she looked out in the Giant office windows she could see it was raining now. She let out a soft groan and placed her forehead against her wooden desk. Her eyes glanced at a scrap of paper with Officer Kennedy's number on it. She tried to call earlier but no answer, and she doubt he would pick up again.
"Why did I have to stay here and comfort civilians?" She asked herself as her headache started to worsen. From what little she heard from panicked civilians, some of the people at the riot turned into what seemed like monsters, biting and scratching people. Her leg continued to bounce in anxiety for the safety of her friends.
She was snapped out of her thoughts as she looked onto her work laptop which showed the security footage of Marvin, Elliot, and David all panicking as they ran back towards the back entrance of the police office. The young woman tilted her head slightly in confusion but looked worried as her hands began to shake again. Marvin was holding the side of his abdomen as he grunted in pain, Elliot and David stayed close behind him as they fired at what seemed to be civilians but... their skin looked grey and they walked slowly. They seemed like a walking corpse. The young woman soon saw the three men come into the office. Marvin was leaning against Elliot as Elliot had his shoulder around the Lieutenant. David stayed behind them and slammed the door quickly before struggling to move his wooden desk that was near the door to make sure the door stays shut. The young women's eyes darted toward Marvin's wounded side as he grunted in pain.
"What the hell is going on?!"


author's note:
well, i finally finished this chapter. i hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I'm gonna try to make this story long even though the game isn't that long (very sad). anyways I hope everyone is enjoying their summer.
stay creative!

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