Chapter 2

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Unfortunately, the news about what is going on in Raccoon City hasn't broken out, which results in a young man in his early 20s driving to the infected city. His blonde hair looked dark in the stormy sky with the moon being clouded up by the forming clouds from the rain. His icy blue eyes stayed on the road. Thankfully the street lamps helped him see through the intense fog. He heard a beep and darted his eyes to his car dashboard, low gas. He let out a soft and annoyed groan as he saw the orange light up on his car dashboard.
"Welp gotta make a detour." He spoke softly to himself as his eyes game onto a neon sign that read "MIZOIL". He soon pulled into the parking lot and noticed the cars that were also there. At first, he didn't bat an eye as he left his jeep to fill up his car before he goes into the city. He tilted his head slightly in confusion as the cars around him didn't seem to have anyone inside of them. His eyes looked into the gas station store and the lights were off.
"No one's around..? That's weird." He asked himself as he started to fill his car up with gas while looking around at the gas station. His eyes looked towards the ground as he saw some blood that lead to the front door of the gas station. His eyes filled with curiosity but also worry.
"What the hell happened here?" He asked himself as he slowly made his way toward the front of the gas station. He opened the door slowly and peeked his head inside at first before he fully opened the door. He stood in the doorway as the lights from his car lit up the dark gas station slightly.
"Hello? Anyone there?" He called out, he tried to walk forward but his foot bumped against something that created a loud ding. His icy blue eyes darted toward the source of the sound. He soon leaned down as he picked up the metal flashlight and turned on the flashlight to give him a better look at the gas station. He tilted his head slightly as he saw the state of the gas station, the iron shelves were disheveled and almost, made it impossible to walk around the gas station.
"Something's not right..." The young man spoke softly to himself as he slowly made his way through the gas station. Looking over he could see many different snacks such as chips and candy bars. He winced slightly as he saw a 6 pack of beer, looking at the alcohol reminded him of the night before and how his girlfriend dumped him and to cope he drank the night away. Now he was paying for it, with a terrible headache caused by him being hungover and being late for his first day. He struggled to figure out where he needed to go next but his ears perked up slightly as he heard a small groan in pain and a trail of blood and bloody footprints leading to a man with his back against the wall and clicking the side of his neck as blood was spilling out of his neck.
"You all right?" the young man asked the older male as his flashlight showed the state of the older male's physical condition. The older male slowly lifted his free arm and pointed to the open door that was next to him.
"Don't move...I'll be back for you." The younger male spoke reassuringly. The older male shook his head slightly, he didn't speak but a small groan of pain escaped his lips. The young man soon entered the door and clutched the metal flashlight in his hand. The door led to a small storage room behind the fridges displayed in the front. Many cardboard boxes were full of different drinks. The door and the end of the hallway were slightly ajar in an ominous way. Looking at the door being cracked and the other side looking completely dark, the young man can feel some anxiety starting to form. He reached his hand up which was slightly shaking and pushed it open slightly.  The young man shined his flashlight into the pitch-black room, he was with someone with their back to the door and what looked like be struggling to hold down the creatures that were once human. The person wore a tan short-sleeved button-down shirt.
"Officer, you need help?" The young man asked him. The man, who was an officer for Raccoon Coty drew his attention away from the creature trying to bite the officer.
"Stay back, sir. I got this." The Officer spoke, drawing one of his hands away from the creature. That, unfortunately, will be his downfall. The creature uses his almost superhuman strength and closes the distance between him and the officer. The creature bites the neck of the Officer, causing him to scream out in pain as part of his neck was being detached. The young man felt like he should've helped but It felt like he was frozen in place as the Officer suffered a brutal death. The creature looked up at the young man with its cloudy eyes. The grey skin looked almost dead and the only color on its body was the blood from killing the officer. The creature soon started to stand up as it stumbled. The young man fumbled to grab his gun from the back of his jeans, he soon pointed his gun at the creature.
"Freeze...I'll shoot!" He spoke, he tried to sound confident but his fear and anxiety took over. Although the creature was slow, it didn't stop moving towards him. This made him fire his gun at the head of the creature. After a few shots, the creature fell to the floor which causes a sigh of relief to escape the young man's lips. His eyes land on a door as he moved towards it, he realized it was locked.
"Damnit...." He spoke softly to himself as he moved away from the door and spotted a key on another table. He picked up the key and moved towards the locked door. On his way back, the creature that he thought was dead began to rise.
"No way...This can't be!" The spoke, fear laced in his voice as he began to shoot the creature again with the limited bullets he has. The creature fell down again, but instead, another creature grabbed onto the young man's ankle. He kicked his ankle away and the creature's grip was gone. Leaving the locked door, it seemed like more of the undead creatures came up to him.
"What the-?!" He spoke in a confused tone with fear still in his voice. He scurried around the misshelved mess of the gas station to make his way to the front door. Before he could open the door, a woman around the age of the young man, in a bright red leather jacket, and her long brunette hair was pulled into a tight ponytail with her bangs around her face. She saw the gun in the young man's hand and raised her arms.
"Don't shoot!" She spoke, her voice also filled with fear. The young woman didn't realize the undead creature behind her.
"Get down!" The young man spoke, and the women squatted down giving the young man access to the undead creature's head. Unlike the other undead creature, this one went down with only one bullet. The young women's dark eyes darted to the undead creature that didn't seem to be getting up. The young man soon walked out of the gas station still infested with the undead creatures.
"You alright?" He asked the young woman as he moved next to her, still holding his gun out.
"Yeah, I think...Thanks." She said while looking around the gas station, she eventually looked at the young man.
"You can thank me later when we're safe." The young man said, his icy blue eyes meeting her darker eyes.
"Holy Shit..." She spoke softly as many of the undead creatures started to move toward them.
"Come on!" The young man spoke as he realized they were cornered. He guided the young women to the sheriff's car which still had lights on, facing towards the gas station. He soon ran towards the car, doing away from the undead creatures. Once he and the young women were both in the car, he started up the engine and they drove away from the gas station quickly. They noticed the green billboard with a red and white logo on it which read 'Welcome to Raccoon City. Home of Umbrella.' They started to drive into the city, the weather still raining and the light from the light posts helping navigate the fog.
"What the hell is going on?!" The young woman spoke as she turned her head away from the road ahead of them. She wasn't from here as she had no idea what was happening.
"I don't know...Hopefully, they'll have some answers at the Police Station." The young man responded, still keeping his eyes on the road.
"Wait, you're a cop?" The young woman asked him. The young man peeled his eyes away from the road to answer her question.
"Yeah, Leon Kennedy. You are..?" The young man, whose name was Leon Kennedy, introduced himself.
"Claire-Claire Redfield." A small moment of silence fell over them as they introduced themselves.
"Live around here?" Leon asked Claire, her face was in his peripheral vision as he was continuing to keep his eyes on the road.
"No, looking for my brother. He's a cop too." Claire responded to his question.
"Well, it's a good thing we found each other. I don't know what to expect any more..."


author's note:
another chapter done yay.. i don't have much to say but sorry if this chapter was longer than my usual ones. alright I hope everyone is having a good day/ good summer.
stay creative!

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