Toxic education system

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In the realm of knowledge, where minds should thrive, 

Lies an institution with toxicity alive. 

An education system, once meant to inspire, 

Now stifles spirits and sets souls on fire.

In rigid walls, like cages, we confine, 

Young hearts yearning to break free and shine. 

But rules and standards, their creativity thwart, 

Crushing dreams and passions, tearing them apart.

They measure worth by grades on a sheet, 

Forgetting that true learning is far more complete. 

Unique talents and strengths left unrecognized, 

As conformity triumphs, individuality dies.

Standardized tests become the holy grail, 

Students reduced to numbers, destined to fail. 

A single score defining their entire worth, 

Neglecting the potential that lies within their birth.

Teachers burdened by countless expectations, 

Struggling to foster true education. 

Bound by curricula, devoid of room to explore, 

They become mere messengers, not mentors anymore.

Gone are the days of curiosity and delight, 

Replaced by burnout and the need to fight. 

Students, once eager, now filled with dread, 

Their love for learning slowly withered and dead.

-Author Alora

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