Unworthy of Love

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Stars whisper tales of delight, 

In the quite of the night, 

My heart's an open ocean wave, 

Craving love it cannot save. 

 Yearning echoes through my soul, 

A hunger I cannot control, 

For in this world, amidst its strife, 

Love is the sole elixir of life. 

Love, oh love, my constant quest, 

In its embrace, 

I find my rest, 

It's the melody that my heart sings, 

The balm that heals life's stings. 

 Oh, love, it's all I crave for, 

A beacon on this endless shore, 

In its arms, 

I wish to be, 

Love, the essence that sets me free. 

In every dawn's gentle hue, 

I seek love, pure and true, 

A hand to hold, a soul to share, 

Moments woven without a care. 

 Through valleys low and mountains high, 

Love's presence, 

I'll never deny, 

For it paints the world in vibrant hues, 

In its warmth, my spirit renews. 

 Love, oh love, my constant quest, 

In its embrace, 

I find my rest,It's the melody that my heart sings, 

The balm that heals life's stings. 

 Oh, love, it's all I crave for, 

A beacon on this endless shore, 

In its arms, I wish to be, 

Love, the essence that sets me free. 

 Through storms and tranquil days, 

Love's longing forever stays, 

It's the symphony within my soul, 

Completing me, making me whole. 

 With every heartbeat's gentle drum, 

Love's symphony, 

I'd never shun, 

For in its dance, 

I find my grace, 

In love's embrace, 

I find my place.  

So, I'll chase this dream, this yearning call, 

For love, the greatest gift of all, 

In its presence, 

I'm truly alive, 

Love, the essence for which I strive. 

 Love, oh love, my constant quest, 

In its embrace, 

I find my rest, 

It's the melody that my heart sings, 

The balm that heals life's stings. 

 Oh, love, it's all I crave for, 

A beacon on this endless shore, 

In its arms, 

I wish to be, 

Love, the essence that sets me free.

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