Moon 🌛

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In the velvet cloak of midnight sky, 

A celestial jewel catches every eye, 

Oh, radiant orb, serene and bright, 

I sing to you, dear moon, in soft moonlight.

Silent sentinel of the cosmic sea, 

You grace the heavens with tranquility, 

With pale face beaming, a beacon above, 

You kindle dreams and ignite love.

Oh, moon, your presence brings a gentle calm, 

As night descends, you're a soothing balm, 

A silver guardian, watching from afar, 

Guiding lost souls with your gentle star.

You wax and wane, a celestial dance, 

Shifting phases, an ethereal trance, 

From crescent sliver to full-round sphere, 

Your beauty captures hearts, crystal clear.

In shadows and beams, secrets you hold, 

Tales untold, ancient stories unfold, 

Mysteries whispered upon your face, 

As you glide through the infinite space.

Oh, moon, companion in the darkest nights, 

Embracing dreamers with your serene lights, 

Inspiring poets, painters, and lovers' vows, 

Reflecting their hopes on your tranquil brows.

Through eons you've witnessed mankind's strife, 

Yet remain a symbol of eternal life,

 A constant reminder of nature's grace, 

A beacon of hope in the vast cosmic chase.

So, dear moon, I raise my voice to thee, 

With reverence and awe, on bent knee, 

May your tranquil radiance forever gleam, 

And bathe us all in your celestial dream.

-Author Alora

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