Chapter 6: Sleepless Nights and Baby Handoffs

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Atlas POV

Dragging myself through the school hallways, my eyes heavy with exhaustion, I clutched Trevor Jr. tightly in my arms. The baby doll had cried incessantly throughout the night, leaving me drained and worn out. It seemed like no amount of rocking or soothing could appease its plastic tears.

As I caught sight of Trevor approaching from the opposite end of the hallway, a weary smile tugged at the corners of my lips. "Morning, Trevor. Looking fresh as a daisy, I see," I quipped, my voice laced with sarcasm.

Trevor's eyes widened in mock surprise as he took in my disheveled appearance. "Wow, Atlas, you look like you've aged a decade overnight. Rough night with our precious Trevor Jr., I presume?"

I let out a half-hearted chuckle, my exhaustion seeping through. "You have no idea, Trevor. This little bundle of joy decided that sleep was an optional activity. I'm running on caffeine and pure determination at this point."

Trevor crossed his arms, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Well, Captain Perfect, don't worry. It's your turn to pass on the crying companion today. I can already see the sleep-deprived delirium setting in."

I couldn't help but grin, relishing the prospect of Trevor facing the same sleepless fate. "Oh, just you wait, Trevor. Tomorrow will be your grand debut as a sleep-deprived parent. I can't wait to see the dark circles under your eyes match your rebellious aura."

Trevor's expression shifted from playful banter to sheer horror, his face draining of color. "Wait, what? Tomorrow? But... but I thought we had the baby every other day or something. Not every single day!"

I burst into laughter, thoroughly enjoying Trevor's panicked reaction. "Oh no, my friend. It's every day until this project is over. We get to experience the joys of parenting twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. No breaks, no respite."

Trevor slumped against the lockers, a look of utter defeat on his face. "Well, there goes my peaceful sleep. Thanks a lot, Captain Perfect. You're a real friend."

I patted him on the back sympathetically, my amusement still evident. "You're welcome, Trevor. Consider it payback for your overconfident demeanor. But don't worry, I'll be here to offer moral support, or maybe just a well-timed sarcastic comment."

As we reached Mr. Grey's classroom, I handed over Trevor Jr. to him, bidding farewell to the wailing doll that had tormented my sleep. It was a bittersweet moment, knowing that I'd be reunited with the baby at the end of the day, ready to embark on another round of sleep-deprived adventures.

With a final glance at Trevor, who appeared to be mentally preparing himself for the upcoming night, I couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie. Despite our differences and the challenges we faced, this project had brought us together in a unique way. And as we endured the trials of parenthood, we were also forging a newfound friendship—one built on banter, exhaustion, and the shared understanding of the sleepless nights that awaited us both.

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