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  It was that time of the day where the sky was changing colors in a matter of seconds. Purple was painted mostly throughout the scenery, if you look closely enough you can catch a glimpse of pink and orange. The busy atmosphere slightly ruins the peaceful mood; traffic, people chatting, obnoxious music.
  At this time usually people would be excited to go home after a long exhausting day at work, but not for Jeonghan. He could only wish to face plant into his comfy cloud-like bed. Having 2 jobs is extremely tiring and time consuming, but what can he do? He needs the money after all.
   After working for hours with no break Jeonghan finally gets up from his seat, which is now shaped like his ass. He starts doing some stretches which make him groan from pain. You can hear his bones cracking from all the pressure.( man's old)
   "My god, I need to exercise more. I feel like an old sack" Jeonghan said while sighing.
  Usually he exits the building a little earlier, of course, because he always has a smoke break. The only time he can genuinely feel peace. In those 5 minutes he feels like a child with no problems, like the heavy weight just suddenly evaporated. Little did he know - this time it won't be the same.
  Jeonghan roughly opens the door, the cold breeze hitting his face directly. As he pulls out his lighter a boy appears out of the blue. It was the same height as Jeonghan, dirty blonde hair, eyes oozing innocence, lips with upturned corners. The boy was extremely attractive.
  Jeonghan on the other hand was not intrigued at all, okay, he can't lie, the lad was handsome, but he couldn't care less. What he did mind though was that this kid is ruining his peaceful alone time.
  "Fucking hell.... " Jeonghan says as he's trying hard to light his cigarette, but is failing miserably, because his gloves were too thick.
  After some time watching, the unknown boy steps in front of the struggling man and without hesitation grabs the lighter and lights his stick. He let's out a little giggle seeing the surprised expression painted on the man's face.
   After what felt like a hour of staring at each other the blondie breaks the silence between them.
  "Ah.... Um.... I'm sorry, I just thought you needed some help so..... "
  Before he could continue Jeonghan gives him a glare, not only does it send a shiver down the blonde boys spine, but it kind of turns him on in a way. What can he do though? He was just kinky by heart.
  "Thanks, but I could've done it myself, pretty boy. Now would you mind?" Already tired from this conversation Jeonghan blows smoke in the boys face in a degrading way.
   "Excuse me, Mr Oldie, but I for a fact know that after being helped you should say a nice THANK YOU. For your information, the name is Joshua, grey hair. "
   Joshua rolls his eyes, scoffs and flips his imaginary long hair in a sassy way. He licks his lips and starts to rub his hands together since he was freezing cold.
  "Okay, Joshua, I didn't ask so please leave me alone. I don't have time for this. "
   Jeonghan says in the most monotonous way possible. He was already in a bad mood because he had to go to work soon and this Joshua kid wasn't really helping.
   Throwing the cigarette butt, Jeonghan steps on it to put it off and starts walking towards the building again. Suddenly he feels his arm being grabbed, so he turns around only to see Joshua looking at him- desperation written on his face.
  "C-can I at least get your name, sir? "
  Jeonghan sighs as he retrieves his hand. He pats himself down gazing at the nervous boy in front of him. His black locks swaying slightly in the wind, opening up his pale delicate face so Joshua can see him better.
  "I'm Jeonghan. Yoon Jeonghan."
  As Joshua was about to reply he was interrupted by a soft chuckle that came from Jeonghan. To him that was a sound that came from heaven.
  "I'll see you around, Joshua. "
   Jeonghan says as he enters the building, leaving a dumbfounded Joshua alone in the cold. At that moment the only thing that went through the blondes mind was that he doesn't regret going on a walk this afternoon.

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