Art puzzle

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One hot summer day Joshua was in his art class finishing up his project. The black haired boy was sweating so much, his black t-shirt was basically sticking on his body accentuating his slim waist. At first glance his demeanor was calm and composed, but deep down he was struggling. Not only he is currently facing the consequences of the so called "art block", but he was hot. Like extremely hot.

The tip of the brush glides smoothly over the canvas, laying a nice shade of burnt orange. As Joshua was about to smile feeling proud of himself, suddenly a loud bang sent his paintbrush flying over his painting, leaving little splatters of orange everywhere. Sitting in pure shock with his mouth agape he lets out the biggest sigh ever to exist. That was his last straw. Getting up swiftly from his chair he takes a deep breath and exhales roughly.

"I need a break. I might as well just go to the store for something cold." he says leaving the stuffy room.

After a short period of time Joshua happily walks towards the art room with a cone of strawberry ice cream. He was licking it every 2 seconds because the heat was melting it extremely fast. He got ice cream all over his mouth but why should he care? After all it's keeping him cool so it doesn't matter. Just as he was entering the room he almost dropped his dessert. His eyes flung open like he had seen a ghost. Right in front of him he can see a boy on his seat drawing on his painting! The boy had platinum blonde hair tucked behind his ears, piercings on his ears and nose. If you stare at him you might see some brown eyeliner sitting perfectly on his big round eyes. The way his loose fitted t-shirt hung over his exposed shoulder made him look unreal. But what shocked Joshua was that this random guy was probably demolishing his beautiful art piece.

"HEY! What the fuck are you doing? That is NOT your painting." Joshua spoke in a very angry and distressed tone. He couldn't just stand there and watch the beautiful boy ruin hours of work.

The blonde just turns his head towards Joshua and flashes the most ethereal smile known to humanity. For a second Joshua caught himself admiring the beauty in front of him, calming him down a bit.

"Hi... I'm sorry but i couldn't help myself. Your art just looked like it was missing something, so i thought it would be a good idea to add another perspective to it, don't you think it looks more "finished" now?" the boy scoots over so that Joshua could see and he would be lying if he said it looked bad. The whole project looked more lively and fresh, the once dull and empty spaces were nuanced with different lighter shades. Of course, he was still slightly mad because this was done without his permission but looking at the bright side, his project looked MUCH better thanks to this stranger.

"I can't lie, you really did add a spark to the painting.... BUT, you should've asked before touching someone else's things." Joshua let out a long sigh " Whatever, what's your name, i haven't seen you around here before."

The boy looked at Joshua with a kind gaze, almost admirable, the corners of his mouth turning upwards leaving slight wrinkles around his eyes.

Taking a deep breath the blonde boy adjusts his hair a bit, before saying "My name is Jeonghan, i deeply apologize for my irrational behaviour. Sometimes, the art of a person needs the touch of someone else, to make it look complete. Just like the art - i think you need someone to complete you..."

The last words of Jeonghan left Joshua in a mixture of pure shock and confusion. What was the beauty trying to tell him? Does he like him? What is this weird way of confessing? Jeonghan suddenly interrupts his thought process.

"Um... Jisoo, you have ice cream all over your mouth and hand, it's leaving a puddle on the floor."

Without saying anything back Joshua turns his gaze from his hand to the now pink floor. So much emotions are going through him at the moment, he doesn't know how to react. This was his biggest brain fart ever. What broke his short trance was Jeonghans hand reaching over, grazing over Joshuas lips, cleaning the excess ice cream on his face. A light pink tint spread over the black haired boys face. He looked at Jeonghan with his big bambi-like eyes and finally broke the silence between them.

"I think i should go clean up, uh, Jeonghan. T-thanks for um... helping me?"

Jeonghan shows his perfectly white teeth in a cute grin. "No problem, Joshuaaa~ You look cute when you blush. Go clean up, sorry for disturbing you."

Joshua feels a big wave of relief hit him when Jeonghan leaves the room. A little tingly sensation was arising in him, does he perhaps like him back, or is he just astonished by the boys boldness? But one thing struck him. How did the beauty know his name?

Jihan Oneshots (:Where stories live. Discover now