should I? why tho.

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M/n's intense training routine was abruptly interrupted by a sharp, searing pain emanating from the cursed speech muzzle encircling his mouth.

He couldn't help but emit a low groan, the agony intensifying with each passing moment. The sensation was akin to his mouth being torn apart, and the pain threatened to overwhelm him entirely.

Despite the discomfort, he had no choice but to endure it in silence, as speaking or crying out would only exacerbate the torment.

As the pain grew more unbearable, M/n's breathing became labored, his vision gradually blurring. The signs of imminent collapse were evident, and he knew he was teetering on the precipice of unconsciousness.

Summoning every ounce of strength remaining within him, he mustered the willpower to leave a note, a brief explanation of his need for rest.

It was a precautionary measure, aimed at assuaging his father's potential concerns and avoiding any unnecessary worry or misunderstandings.

With his body losing control and his consciousness slipping away, M/n stumbled back to his room, driven by sheer determination. However, before he could reach the comfort of his bed, he succumbed to his weakened state, collapsing onto the floor, the darkness of unconsciousness enveloping him completely.

In that vulnerable state, M/n lay motionless, his body now at the mercy of rest and recovery. The room remained silent, the only sound being the faint rhythm of his breathing as he drifted deeper into a profound slumber.

M/n found himself in a peculiar and unsettling scenario. He was submerged in the depths of a vast, dark ocean, unsure whether he was floating beneath its surface or suspended above it. The abyss stretched endlessly in all directions, shrouded in an eerie darkness that seemed to swallow every trace of light.

As M/n continued his descent through this enigmatic realm, the oppressive weight of indifference settled upon him. It was a feeling that permeated his being, an overwhelming sense of detachment and apathy.

The prospect of taking action felt burdensome and futile, convincing him that any effort expended would be in vain.

Eventually, his descent reached its conclusion, and M/n found himself standing amidst a foreboding landscape. It was a desolate forest, but unlike any forest he had ever encountered before.

The air was thick with an ominous aura, and the trees, once vibrant and full of life, now stood as mere skeletal remnants. Every inch of the forest exuded an unrelenting darkness, casting an eerie and unsettling atmosphere over the surroundings.

The twisted branches of the dead trees reached out like gnarled claws, seemingly defying the passage of time. The ground beneath M/n's feet was carpeted with decaying foliage, emitting an almost palpable sense of desolation.

In this bleak and shadowy forest, it seemed as though hope itself had withered away, leaving behind only an aura of melancholy and foreboding.

M/n stood in the heart of this haunting environment, his thoughts shrouded in a quiet contemplation. The sight before him resonated with a deep, unsettling familiarity, an echo of his own inner turmoil. It was as if the forest mirrored the darkness that pervaded his soul, serving as a stark reminder of the choices and uncertainties that lay ahead.

In this enigmatic and foreboding place, M/n stood alone, surrounded by the silent whispers of the dead forest. The only sound that could be heard was the haunting rustle of leaves, as if the very essence of existence lamented in the somber embrace of the darkened wilderness.

M/n gazed upon the figures of Kaguya Otsutsuki and Hagoromo Otsutsuki, who sat beneath the decaying tree in a state of profound distress.

Kaguya, with her flowing white hair and striking golden eyes, appeared weary and burdened, as if the weight of the world rested upon her shoulders.

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