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(A/N you don't have to read this if you already read the epilogue of Herobrine's Guards. This is the exact same thing.)

My eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the bright light, I looked around.
I remembered how Herobrine had done something, and said he was sending me to a different world, then I blacked out.
"No!" I mumbled under my breath. "This can't be happening." He did it. This place really did exist.
The room was white with little baby blue circles painted on little areas on the wall. There was a circular globe on a white dresser. The bed I was on had a light yellow sheet and a light yellow pillow.
My thoughts were interrupted by yelling.
"Your worthless! Get out of my house!" I heard a scream from the other side of the door. I sat up in the bed as the door opened.
A tall and slim woman stormed in the room and she had a very angry expression on her face.
She pointed to me. "You! Your so lucky you have amnesia, Brielle!! If you didn't you would be out of this house just like your sister. You two are a disgrace to the human race, and a mistake to this family!!" She screamed at me and slammed the door shut.
Is that the name Herobrine gave me in this world. Brielle.
It's pretty if it is.
Amnesia is what was confusing me. I know what it is, but I know I don't have it. The memories are very vivid.
With me not knowing anything about this world Herobrine probably planted that memory in everyone else's mind, so if I question things it won't seem suspicious.
Slowly my door creaked open. A girl that looked a few years older then me walked in with red cheeks. Her eyes were wet and red. She was carrying a little bag. The girl sat the bag down in the corner of the room and then sat down on the end of the bed I was on. Pain in her eyes she looked at me and sighed. "I know you don't know who I am right now Bri, but know that I really do love you. I have to.... go for a little while. Mother kicked me out. I'll be back soon. Once she calms down I promise. I just feel if I stay she will take it out on you.
Your my little sister, and I'm going to do all in my might to make sure mother doesn't hurt us anymore." She lowered her voice. "I'm going to find help."
I nodded even though I had no clue what she was talking about. She gave me a faint smile, kissed my forehead, grabbed her bag, and left.
I stayed there in silent for a minute until my door swung open by the person I take as my mother in this world. She came over and slapped me. Hard.
"I have no one else hurt except you now. I just have to make sure that the bruises are covered when the doctor comes to see how long it will be until your amnesia wears off. Like I said, that's the only reason you're still around Brielle, because of your amnesia and incase the doctor comes over, there is someone for him to check." She smirked at me. I stared at her blankly, so she smacked me again then left.
I waited for a few minutes, but no one else walked in, so I took this time to finish looking around my room. There was not much more to see. A white dresser with a lamp on it. A bean bag chair in a corner, and a small closet. That was about it. But there was one thing. One thing caught my eyes.

In the corner of the room was a poster of Herobrine.

The Herobrine poster was staring right at me and on the picture it said 5 small words.

"I am always watching you."
Hey guys!
It's me again with another story. But I mean it's the sequel, so it's pretty much just continuing the first book.
Oh whatever lol.
Anyway if you haven't read Herobrine's Guard's, please go read that.
That's the first book in the Herobrine's Guard's Series.

Also I wanted to let you know that there will be some humor in this book. It won't be so serious, like that last one.
Okay that it.
Rachel out!

P.S. All the POV's are going to be in Avery's or now as she's called Brielle's POV. I'll tell you if its in someone else's POV.

A New World (Sequel to Herobrine's Guards)Where stories live. Discover now