Chapter 3: I'm Not Okay

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"That will be eleven dollars and eighty-nine cents." The cashier said after ringing up my purchases.
I looked down at my ten dollar bill.
Well. Prices sure went up.
"Um I only have te-"
"Here 'ya go!" Dani exclaimed, slapping a dollar eighty-nine down on the counter.
I smiled gratefully, knowing if I didn't come back with everything I needed to, I would more then likely be whipped.
She knew it too.

Welcome to my life.

"Alright, you owe ten dollars." The cashier said, after counting out the eighty-nine cents.
I handed her my ten dollar bill, and she handed me my purchases.
I smiled and walked out of the store, followed by a perky Dani, with her hands full of clothes.
Did I mention we have been here for the past two hours?
Shopping for Dani and her clothes.
Did I also mention her family are millionaires?
Well, not really but they have much more money than my family does.
Mother is probably busy sleeping, or talking on the phone. She won't notice I have been gone this long.

"Do you need help, Dani? I only have one bag." I offered. She had about seven bags, and was trying to carry it all by herself.
"Nah. I'm good." Dani grinned, "a woman needs to carry her own weight..... in clothes!"
I laughed at her cheeky self.
She's one crazy chick.
You should see her when we have time all to ourselves, and not on a mission, as Dani calls our shopping trips.
We continued walking for a little while, with Dani cracking cheesy jokes, and we finally arrived at her road.
"It was fun while it lasted, but now I must go. I will miss you my beautiful llama. You have been the best friend I ever wished for. So long." And with that Dani ran off.
I shook my head. "I will never understand that girl."
I kept walking until I came to the oh so familiar street that I had forgotten about during my accident.
I kept walking, tending to my own little thoughts until I heard it.
"Pss. Brielle. Pss." A hushed voice said.
I looked around. "Who said that?"
"I'm over here, Brielle!" The hushed voice said again.
Where was this voice coming from.
I looked in every direction.
"Over here!" The voice said again.
I think I had gotten where it came from, and walked to where I thought the voice was.
"In the bush. The one to your right."
I turned to my right, and looked in the bush.
"Who's there?"
A girl walked out, and smiled. "Hello Brielle."

I stepped back. "Cassie?"

She smiled and ran off.
I swear I heard a gain. "I'm okay. I just wanted you to know I'm okay."
"Mother. I'm home!" I called out to who knows where. Mother could be anywhere in this house.
"Get to work on the cake. You're late, and I'll punish you later for it." She yelled from some where in the house.
I flinched. I didn't think mother would notice that I've been gone long. She doesn't normally. I don't know why she did this time.
"Yes m'am." I responded sadly.
Maybe if I make a great cake and maybe if I am really good tonight, she will forgive me and forget about the punishment.
I walking into the kitchen and later out to materials.
Let's bake.

"Okay so I need three eggs." I thought aloud, looking over my shoulder at the recipe book as I mixed the batter.
Triple chocolate cake is what I had decided to make. It's my famous cake, at least that's what everyone at the parties tell me.
"Whew." I sighed, slumping down onto the floor.
I had just put the cake in the oven, and was now waiting for it to bake.
"Brielle. Is that cake almost done?" My mother called from the living room.
"It's in the oven mother." Was my response.
"Well hurry up, we need to leave in forty-five minutes."
My eyes went wide. The cake wouldn't be done for fifty minuets at the least!
I ran upstairs. I need to get ready!
"Um... I like this one." I thought alone.
I seem to be doing that a lot lately.
The dress that I had picked out was pink and sparkly. It was probably the nicest, and newest dress I owned and I loved it. Mother does buy me nice clothes, but just for the parties.
"Ten minutes Brielle!" My mother called from downstairs.
The cake wasn't going to be ready for another fifteen minuets.
I shook my head and decided to deal with it when the time comes, even thought that's only ten minutes away.
I still had my hair to do, I decided on a simple bun at the top on my head. It looked pretty good if I do say so myself.
After adding little blush and eyeliner I walked downstairs to find mother dressed nicely. She was a beautiful woman. If only her personality matched her appearance.
"Are you ready to go. Where is the cake?" Mother asked impatiently.
"Well um. You see um." I stuttered.
"Well what? Spit it out!" She commanded.
I sighed. "It's still cooking. It's almost done."
Mothers eyes narrowed. "We are going to be late now Brielle. I'm calling your school and telling them your sick tomorrow. Meet me out in the car when the cake is ready and don't take long."
My face paled as I watched her walk out.
She had only ever called school to tell them I was sick one other time.
I never want to relive it, but I guess I'm still going to have to.
I took a shaky breath as I heard the ding of the timer, signaling the cake was done.
A few minutes later the cake was frosted and ready to go.
With eyes still wide and my face still pale, I climbed into mother's car.
Cassie had told me earlier today that she was okay.
I wish I could promise her the same thing for me.
But I don't know.
I don't think I'm going to be okay.
UH OH!!!!! What's going to happen to Brielle tomorrow?
You will just have to wait and find out.
I know I'm evil.
Okay that's about it.
Rachel out. XOXO

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