Chapter 2: A New Life

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A/N some things in this chapter will make you be like. "But- wait that's not right. She used the wrong word. I THINK THERE WAS A TYPO RACHEL!" But no. This chapter is exactly how I want it. The end of this chapter will make everything more clear of why I worded things like I did.
Okay on with the story!
I was currently cleaning the bathroom. I've been slowly getting my memory back for 4- no 5 months. It's getting easier to remember everything.
I've gotten used to everything now. For a while I thought my name was Avery.

"Brielle!" The lady who is my mother called.
"I'm coming m'am!" I called back and got up to see what she needed. "Yes?"
"I need you to run to the store. I need milk, eggs, and flour, then when you get back I need you to make a cake. I'm going to a party tonight." She demanded, relaxing in a chair.
"Am I coming mother?" I asked. Sometimes she had me come alone so she could act like a great mother to me. Taking me to parties. And of course I couldn't say anything. No one would believe me if I did. She is a completely different person at parties. I would kill for her to be a mother like that all the time.
"Of course you are. People will wonder where you are if I don't. They just adore you. I don't know why. There's nothing to adore." She rolled her eyes.
I nodded. "Yes m'am."
"Now get to the store and make that cake. The party is tonight at 7. Wear something nice."
I nodded again. I've nodded so much these last few months, I feel like I'm going to turn into a bobble head.
I changed into normal clothes instead of my work clothes and headed out the door.
"Hey Bri!" I heard a voice from behind me.
I wiped my head around to see my best friend Daniella, or Dani as she prefers. "Hey Dani!" I greeted.
I know I have a sucky home life, but I still attend public school. It's the law after all!
Dani ran over to me. "Have you heard more from Cassie?"
Cassandra, or Cassie, is my sister. The older girl that came into my room when I first woke up from my amnesia.
Nobody has heard from her since mother kicked her out. I shook my head. "No. I haven't heard from her."
"So you do remember who that is this time? You remember who Cassie is?"
Did I mention she was the one I found out who Cassie was from? I had no idea. I guess I had forgotten a lot of stuff from my accident.
Like did you know there is this delicious thing called pizza? Oh my gosh it is amazing. It's like a party in your mouth. That's one thing I can't believe I forgot about!
"Yes. Cassie is my sister." I stated, answering Dani's question.
She smiled nodding, then she got real serious. "And how's your mom?"
Dani is the only one who knows about my position. How my mother abuses me.
I shrugged. "She's taking me to one of those parties again tonight, so it should be a pretty good night. She wants me to bake a cake, so that's why I'm on my way to the store."
Dani nodded.
We continued walking for a little bit.
"So anything new?" She asked trying to keep a conversation.
"I have something new." I said sighing. I pulled up the sleeve of my shirt.
Dani gasped at the big bloody whole that had a bruise surrounding it on my arm.
"Why that bi-"
"Dani! You know how I feel about that kind of language!" I exclaimed.
"I know. I'm sorry. It's just. I hate seeing you hurt, especially by your excuse of a mom." She said threw gritted teeth.
I nodded. "I know, but what are we going to do about it? It's not like we can tell the police. They would take mother away, and then send me to an-" I stopped, trying to think of the word I was trying to find. "Oh. An orphanage. I would be sent to an orphanage, or at least that's what mother says."
Dani nodded sadly, "No matter how hard I try to deny it, your mom is right. I would ask my parents to adopt you, but they wouldn't be able to handle this much awesomeness." She grinned.
Oh Dani. Always being able to find a positive side in everything. "That they wouldn't."
We both giggled, and continued walking. I walking a little ahead of her. All of a sudden she hugged me from behind. "I'm so happy your starting to remember everything. After the accident and everything, I didn't know if you would make it. And when you did, they said you had amnesia and there was a chance you would never remember anything, and if you did it wouldn't be too much." Yes they said there was only a slim chance of that happening, but it was a still a possibility.
I hugged her back. Finally letting go, I nodded. "I know. After I arrived here from Min-" I stopped and looked at the ground.
Dani gave me a small smile. "Brielle sweetie, Minecraft is just a game. You didn't come from there. The very first time you said something about you coming from there, remember what the doctors said?"
I nodded, remembering. "I do. I'm sorry. I honestly though it was real for a while."
"Don't apologize. It's fine." She offered me a smile, which I returned.
We kept walking.
I started thinking.
When I first woke up from the accident, I told everyone I was from the video game, Minecraft. The doctors told me while I was unconscious I had this dream that I was in it. Like a character in the game. My life was there.
For quite a while I didn't believe them. I knew what I knew.
As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, the more I realized how impossible what I thought was. This was my life.
I was getting it back.
My name is Brielle Peterson. My sister is Cassie Peterson.
My best friend is Dani Frank.
My mother is abusive.
My father died when I was young.
And Minecraft is only a game.
She thinks that she really is part of our world, and her Minecraft life was just a dream.
We know it's real, but she doesn't.
I just had too!
Alright that's it for now.
Rachel out. XOXO
(It's my new thing. Signing it XOXO)

A New World (Sequel to Herobrine's Guards)Where stories live. Discover now