Chapter 23

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Though Erik didn't realize it, his decision to keep his love for Maribel a secret was causing him to have more episodes. Maribel was getting better at handling the episodes, but it bothered her to see him like that.

On this particular night, an episode had hit him when he was playing his organ. Maribel and Anna had already gone to bed, but the loud boom of discord from the organ startled Maribel awake. She slowly walked from her bedroom to the music room. Erik caught sight of her and roared, "Erik is a monster! You must hide!"

Maribel approached him slowly and reached for his hands. Taking them into her own, she spoke softly, "You mustn't speak so loudly. Little Anna is sleeping."

"Erik didn't hurt Anna, did he?"

"No, of course not. Erik would never hurt Anna."

He nodded.

"Why don't we sit quietly together until this passes?" Maribel figured out that the quicker she could bring him back to reality, the better off he would be.

He nodded and sat down next to Maribel. As he did most times when an episode was ending, he began to cry. "Erik is sorry."

"Erik has nothing to be sorry for."

"No, Erik hasn't been truthful. Erik loves you."

Maribel nearly gasped but stopped herself, "I know he does," she responded calmly, "And I love him."

"But Erik is scared..." Maribel realized that during these episodes she got a glimpse into Erik's mind and his past.

"What is he afraid of?"

"Anyone Erik has cared about has left. All Erik had ever wanted was a normal life with love and a wife and children... and a home filled with music."

Maribel found herself crying. She wrapped her arm around him and rested her head on his shoulder, "You deserve all of it," she whispered.

There was a moment of silence. With her head on his shoulder, she could feel his breaths slowing back to their normal pace.

"I'm sorry if I woke you," he said quietly, wiping the wetness from his cheeks, "I wish I could stop..."

"It's alright."

"I don't know why I've been having episodes so frequently, I'm sorry you've had to deal with them."

"Erik," Maribel spoke gently, "I think you're keeping something from me because you're frightened. I think that's why your episodes have returned. Erik, do you love me?"

He looked at her for a moment. His eyes were wide and glistening with tears.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, Erik."

"I'm afraid of myself. What if I hurt you or Anna? I can't control myself when I have my episodes... I couldn't live with myself if..." he was rambling and tears were streaming down his face.

"You would never hurt us... I believe that with my whole heart. We love you, Erik." She hesitated, "I love you."

His body shook as he wrapped his arms around Maribel, "I don't deserve you." He sobbed into her shoulder.

She reached up and touched his cheek and his mask, repeating the words he needed to hear, "I love you."

His voice quivered, but with a deep breath he whispered, "I love you too."

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