I love you (paul)

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Requested- Gn77kce

I walk to stand infront of the mirror, looking at myself. I look at my arms, legs, and stomach, judging every dip and rib that can be seen. I run skinny fingers up my bony arms and across my stomach. Tears fill my eyes as negative thoughts conquer my brain and suffocate me in hate.

I hear floorboards creek behind me, making me jump, and look behind me to see my lover staring at me with careful eyes.

"Hey lovie, you alright?" He asks cautiously, walking over to me slowly

I take one last look at myself and that was the last straw. Tears fall free from my eyes and my face goes red with embarrassment. He rushes over and pulls me into a tight hug, his warm arms encasing me in love and adoration as well as his words

"Shh shh, lovie, you're okay. You're beautiful matter how you look" he whispers into my ear as I cry into his shoulder. We sit on the bed and he cradles me, whispering sweet nothings into my hair

"There is nothing wrong with your body. I love it and so should you," he says, placing a soft, warm hand onto my bare stomach. We lay down on the bed and he caresses my skin with his thumb, soothing my tears and easing my crying.
"Youre beautiful," he whispers lovingly, his soft voice and caring words lulling me into a sleep.

He truly does love me.

Its a short one at 252 words but I hope you all love it. Remember that no matter what you guys look like ur loved and ur handsome/ beautiful <3<3<3

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