What Once Was (John)

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I stay sat on the back doorstep with a cigarette in my hand as I hear the door open and close and see John immediately rub his hands up his arms as the cold overtakes him. He sits next to me and drapes his blazer over my shoulders in a feeble attempt at keeping me warm. "Hello love," he says, pulling the cigarette from between my fingers and taking a deep drag. He sighs, blowing out the smoke and then drops the cigarette to the floor and crushes it with his foot. "Hey hun," I say, scooching closer to him and leaning me head on his warm shoulder. John kisses my forehead and wraps an arm tentatively around my body. "When did you get back?" I question before giving him a gentle peck on his jaw. "Just now. Why are you sat here?" He asks concerned "I thought you weren't coming until later and I got bored" I say chuckling slightly. He laughs a little before standing up and offering me his hand. I take it and he pulls me into his body, encasing me in warmth as he grabs my chin and presses a kiss to my lips. I respond by wrapping my hands around his neck nd playing with the soft hairs between my fingertips. We hold hands as we walk back into the house, ready for a comfortable night's sleep in eachithers arms.

I sit alone on the back doorstep with a cigarette between my fingers. A lone tear rolls down my cheek as this memory hurts me even more. If only things were simpler. If only he hadn't gone to the studio then. Maybe things would still be what they once were. But now here I'm sat alone wishing things that can't be changed, would change. The love of my life torn away from me by the icy hands of death. His warm embrace lost from me and his scent fading from my ,once comforting, surroundings. Now he's gone. Dead. Forever.

(335 words) sad post today 🤌

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2023 ⏰

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