Chapter 2

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She found herself on Jumeirah Beach Road, captivated by the bustling street and the majestic buildings that adorned the Dubai skyline. The architectural marvels, a blend of modern and traditional influences, painted a vivid picture against the backdrop of the azure Arabian Sea. With her solo art exhibition scheduled for next month, she was determined to capture the essence of this vibrant city in her paintings.

As the clock struck 5 o'clock, the traffic began to intensify, prompting her to carefully pack her portable easel and art supplies into the backseat of her car. The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city. Her heart was filled with anticipation as she reflected on the day's artistic endeavors and the inspiration she had found in the bustling streets.

Feeling a sense of accomplishment, Sita decided to reward herself with a visit to a nearby pizzeria. The enticing aroma of freshly baked pizza enveloped her senses as she stepped into the charming establishment. Glancing around, her eyes landed on him—sitting at a corner table, engrossed in his laptop, patiently waiting for his order. The sight of him instantly caught her attention. He exuded an air of confidence and charisma that drew her in. From his stylish attire to his captivating gaze, he was truly a sight to behold.

"Incredible! How can someone be so strikingly attractive?" she thought, unable to contain her admiration.

"I wonder what brings him to this pizzeria. Perhaps he's also exploring the city like me," she mused, realizing that she had been stealing glances at him for the past few minutes, unable to resist his magnetic presence. Driven by her curiosity and a sense of connection, she mustered the courage to approach his table.

Unbeknownst to her, he felt her gaze upon him. Sensing her presence, he turned his head and their eyes met. An amalgamation of surprise and intrigue washed over him. He vaguely remembered seeing her somewhere before, but he couldn't quite recall where. Choosing to remain guarded, he redirected his focus to his work, determined to maintain a sense of detachment. However, after a few moments, she approached his table, refusing to be ignored any longer. The continuation of their unexpected encounter was about to unfold.

'Hello, Mr. Pratap,' she greeted with a warm smile, using the last name from their previous encounter.

'Hello,' he replied, his expression distant. He looked at her as if he couldn't quite place where they had met. She was taken aback. How could he not remember their encounter?

'Can I sit here?' she asked, hoping to engage in conversation. He glanced at her and then back at his laptop.

'There are plenty of other tables available. You can sit elsewhere,' he said, his attention focused on his work. Shocked and slightly hurt, she quickly moved to another table and took a seat.

Disappointed by his cold response, she tried to make sense of his behavior. As she sat there, she couldn't help but wonder why he seemed so distant. He had appeared friendly during their previous encounter, so she hadn't anticipated this level of dismissiveness from him.

Later that evening, Sita found herself back home at Didi Saba's place. Saba was her bestie Huma's sister and held a special place in Sita's heart. Saba, four years older than Sita, resided in Dubai with her husband. Whenever Sita visited the city, she would stay at their welcoming home. Currently, Saba's husband was out of the city on business.

Feeling a bit bored after her encounter at the pizzeria, Sita decided to give Huma a call. Huma was not only her bestie but she was like her sister to her, living in Delhi, India, married to a man who was fifteen years older than her. It was an arranged marriage, a decision influenced by their father. Huma's husband was a well-known businessman in Delhi.

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