Chapter 7

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The morning sun gently streamed through the curtains, casting a soft glow that illuminated the hotel room. Abhimanyu, an introverted and reserved individual who preferred expressing himself through subtle gestures and body language, slowly emerged from his slumber. As the medication's effects faded, his mind became clearer, and he took in his surroundings with a renewed sense of vitality.

Attempting to stretch his arms, Abhimanyu's movement was halted as he realized his hands were still entwined with another pair of warm hands. His gaze shifted from their intertwined fingers to the serene face of Sita, who remained immersed in her dreams. With a firm yet gentle grip, she held his hand, her other hand resting tenderly over his chest. This delicate connection stirred a myriad of emotions within Abhimanyu.

The morning light bathed Sita's features, causing her delicate face to exude an otherworldly radiance. Abhimanyu's eyes softened as he absorbed her beauty, feeling an unexpected attraction blossoming within him. Her tranquil countenance mirrored the serenity of the morning, and in that fleeting moment, Abhimanyu found himself drawn to her in a way he had never experienced before.

Longing surged through him, his fingers yearning to linger on her skin for just a moment longer. Yet, he restrained himself, acutely aware of the self-imposed barriers that defined their connection. Understanding the weight of his own troubled past, he considered himself undeserving of touching her. Consequently, he opted to keep his thoughts to himself, treasuring the delicate intimacy they shared in that quiet moment.

With utmost care, Abhimanyu tried to extricate his hand from Sita's grasp, mindful of not disturbing her peaceful slumber. However, each of his movements elicited a soft groan from Sita, inadvertently tightening her grip on him. Filled with apprehension, he chose to recline back onto the pillows, ensuring her rest remained undisturbed.

As he settled into the pillows, he closed his eyes, only to find fragmented pieces of his past swirling before him, threatening to consume him in darkness. His body tensed, teetering on the edge of succumbing to his haunting nightmares. Yet, just as he was about to be consumed by the abyss, a voice pierced through the darkness, pulling him back into the realm of light.

Abhimanyu," Sita's gentle voice resonated in his dream, the sound a lifeline in his turmoil. "Abhimanyu, wake up."

Sita's voice echoed in his mind, calming his racing thoughts. In his mind's eye, he saw her—the image of their first encounter, her laughter, and her captivating beauty.Startled, Abhimanyu's eyes shot open, his heart pounding in his chest. The remnants of his dream lingered in his mind, merging with the reality before him. To his astonishment, there was Sita, wide awake, her concerned gaze fixed upon him. A mixture of surprise and curiosity danced in his eyes as he met her gaze. The morning's ethereal glow accentuated Sita's delicate features, highlighting the kindness that radiated from her eyes.

 "Mr. Pratap, are you okay?" She asked again, holding a glass of water from the table.

In that fleeting moment, a flicker of recognition passed between them. Abhimanyu noticed a subtle shift in Sita's expression—a look that spoke volumes, as if she had experienced his struggles before. It was as if she had seen into the depths of his inner turmoil throughout the night, understanding the demons that haunted him. 

He took the glass from her trembling hand, his gaze locked with hers. No words were exchanged, yet the unspoken understanding between them spoke volumes. It was as if Sita had seen the shadows that haunted his thoughts, the relentless demons that tormented him, and she had chosen to stand by his side, offering solace without prying into his wounds.

As Sita quietly exited the room, Abhimanyu's mind swirled with a myriad of emotions. He watched her retreating figure, realizing that she had purposely left to give him the space he needed. It wasn't just about retrieving her phone; it was a deliberate act of kindness and consideration. He couldn't help but be moved by her thoughtfulness, her ability to intuit his unspoken desires.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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