Chapter 6

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With a trembling hand, Abhimanyu slowly reached for the doorknob, his fingers hesitant to turn it. As the latch clicked, the door creaked open, revealing a dimly lit hotel room that seemed suspended in time. A gust of cool air greeted him, carrying whispers of distant conversations and the faint scent of freshly laundered sheets. The atmosphere within was heavy, as if the room itself held its breath, aware of the weight of Abhimanyu's presence.

As he stepped inside, the door closed behind him with a soft thud, sealing him off from the outside world. The room, shrouded in shadows, bore an eerie resemblance to the caverns of his troubled mind. The walls, painted a somber shade of gray, seemed to absorb what little light penetrated the heavy curtains. The furniture, arranged with neat precision, appeared cold and impersonal, as if it had been waiting patiently for his return.

Abhimanyu's eyes were drawn to the bed, adorned with a duvet that cascaded like a waterfall of obsidian silk. It beckoned to him, its pristine surface inviting him to surrender to its comfort. Yet, he hesitated, knowing all too well the demons that lurked beneath the layers of linen. Instead, he directed his attention to the small study desk against the wall, cluttered with scattered papers and a half-empty glass of water. The disarray mirrored the chaos of his thoughts.

Feeling the weight of exhaustion settle upon him, Abhimanyu sank into the desk chair, the creaking of the worn-out leather adding to the eerie silence. He glanced at his reflection in the dimly lit mirror that adorned the wall, his weary eyes staring back at him, haunted and lost. In the reflection, he caught a glimpse of the outside world, a city of vibrant lights and bustling life, yet it felt distant and unattainable.

 In his struggle to confront the demons within, Abhimanyu instinctively reached for solace in his pocket, retrieving a small vial containing his medication. His fingers trembled ever so slightly as he carefully extracted two pills, swallowing them with a practiced motion. The bitter taste clung to his senses, a tangible reminder of the ongoing battle he fought within himself. Gradually, a heavy weariness settled upon him, his eyelids weighed down by the burden of his experiences.

As the medication coursed through his veins, Abhimanyu cherished the alluring embrace of numbness, relishing the gradual fading of his emotions. It was a peculiar sensation, the weight of his burdens dissipating, as if the force of gravity no longer held sway over him. His face softened, the lines of tension melting away, and he felt himself on the precipice of surrendering to a peaceful slumber.

But just as tranquility beckoned, the intrusive sound of his ringing phone shattered the fragile calm. The incessant ringing pierced through the silence, refusing to relent. Reluctantly, Abhimanyu reached for the source of the disruption, his hand trembling ever so slightly, betraying the underlying unease within him.

Despite his initial resistance, Abhimanyu couldn't ignore the persistent ringing of his phone any longer. With a sigh of resignation, he reluctantly picked up the device and glanced at the screen. The last four digits of the number appeared strangely familiar, triggering a cautious wariness that crept across his face. Hesitant yet compelled, he pressed the dial button and brought the phone to his ear.

"Mr. Pratap, are you trying to turn me into a statue? My legs have given up waiting for you. When are you going to come down?" the voice on the other end scolded with frustration, leaving Abhimanyu taken aback.

Realizing that he had forgotten about the promise he made, Abhimanyu found himself at a loss for words. Sita's insistence to spend the evening together had led him to stay back in Abu Dhabi, intending to sleep for a few hours before returning to Dubai. However, in his medicated state, he had genuinely forgotten about their plan.

As Sita paused to catch her breath, Abhimanyu seized the opportunity to greet her with a curt hello. Sita, unamused by his lackluster response, couldn't help but express her annoyance.

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