Chapter 4

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Abhimanyu awoke, his body filled with fatigue and his mind heavy with the weight of his recent emotional turmoil. Disoriented, he reached for his cellphone, hoping to find solace in the distraction of technology. The time glared back at him—4:00 in the morning. Confusion washed over him as he tried to comprehend how he had overslept, missing his bus to Abu Dhabi. Anxiety knotted in his stomach as the realization of the impending meeting set in.

His instinct was to seek assistance, but the introverted nature that defined him made the act of asking for help difficult. Nevertheless, he mustered the courage to contact the hotel reception for guidance.

"Sir, how can I assist you this early morning?" the receptionist inquired.

"I... missed my bus to Abu Dhabi," Abhimanyu hesitated, his voice reflecting his internal struggle. "I have a meeting, and I need to be there by 8:00 am. Are there any alternative ways to reach Abu Dhabi on time?"

The receptionist calmly responded, "Booking seats in advance for the Emirates Express or E100 is usually recommended. However, the 6:00 am Emirates Express is fully booked, and the E100 departs at 8:00 am."

Abhimanyu found himself at a crossroads, torn between seeking help and retreating into his solitary world. His gaze shifted to the piece of paper with Sita's number scribbled on it. A wave of conflicted emotions washed over him as he weighed the pros and cons of seeking her assistance. 

As Abhimanyu stared at his phone, contemplating whether to call Sita for help, he felt a wave of weariness wash over him. The events of the past day had taken their toll, and he was battling a headache that throbbed with each passing moment. Yet, the thought of seeking assistance from someone he had insulted only added to his internal struggle.

Taking a deep breath, Abhimanyu dialed Kareem's number first, hoping to find an alternative solution. But as the call went unanswered, reality set in—he had indeed left for Turkey with his family. Abhimanyu sighed, realizing he was running out of options.

As Abhimanyu pondered whether to call Sita for assistance, his mind swirled with conflicting thoughts.His fingers hovered over the screen, hesitating to dial her number. Pride and self-reliance urged him to find another solution, to endure the consequences of missing his bus alone. Yet, the practicality of the situation nudged at him. He couldn't afford to waste more time or risk getting lost in an unfamiliar city.

Taking a deep breath, Abhimanyu mustered the courage to dial Sita's number. However, as the phone rang, his uncertainty grew, and he found himself unable to proceed. With a mix of hesitation and anxiety, he abruptly ended the call, deciding it was better not to bother Sita at such an early hour.

Just as he was about to abandon the idea entirely and put his phone aside, a sudden buzz startled him. The screen displayed an incoming call from Sita. Surprised by her quick response, Abhimanyu hesitated for a moment before answering, unsure of what to expect on the other end of the line.

"Hello?" he responded, his voice guarded and cautious.

"Hmmm... hello? Who's this? I just woke up and... oh! It's you, Mr. Pratap!" Sita exclaimed, her voice carrying remnants of sleepiness.

Abhimanyu couldn't help but feel a flicker of surprise at her groggy state, but he remained composed, not allowing himself to be swayed by her casual demeanor.

"I apologize for waking you, Miss Sharma. It's Abhimanyu Pratap," he replied, his voice still formal but tinged with confusion.

A mischievous energy filled Sita's voice as she responded. "Well, Mr. Pratap, you certainly know how to shake a girl out of her beauty sleep. What can I do for you at this ungodly hour?"

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