Chapter 1 - Alexander Hamilton

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This story is guaranteed to contain cussing.  If you don't like that . . .  you can leave.  :]

This story is going to be set in modern times, I don't know.  Uh, they time traveled to this time.

Sooooo yeah!  Enjoy while you can . . .


Alexander's POV :

I woke up in a startle with my stomach aching.  I sat up and looked next to me to my sleeping mother.  She looked so peaceful in her sleep, with her breathing growing quieter and quieter.  We've been ill for a little while . . . half - dead, just sitting in our own sick, the scent thick in our room.

I presumed she was breathing slower and quieter because of her sickness so I didn't think much about it.  I was wrong.

When I got a little bit better, my mother went quick.  I was a clueless twelve year old boy and tried desperately to wake her up.  I still remember her body limp and cold.


I had no other choice but to move in with my cousin.  When I was ten, my father split up with my mother so I don't have him anymore . . . nor my mother.

"Come inside Alex!" my cousin called for me, snapping me back into reality.  He waved his arm from the inside of the house signaling me to come in.  "Okay!" I called back, running towards my cousin.

"Are you feeling hungry?" he asked.

I shook my head, "No."

"Okay!  It's getting late, maybe you should head to bed," he advised.

I nodded and headed upstairs, not knowing what would happen next.  My cousin committed suicide that night, leaving me nothing but ruined pride.  I heard a voice in the back of my head that night saying, "Alex, you gotta fend for yourself."

I had to agree with myself . . .  I had no one to help me grow nor support me.

It's me against the world.


Finally . . .  it's been seven years and I could finally afford myself to go to King's College.  I'm only nineteen but my mind is older and I gotta reach my goal in life!  I'm wiser and more stubborn so I think I'll be able to handle this!

It's just a school . . . right?


371 words.

When the first message from the author at the beginning of the story is longer than the actual first chapter.  That's just sad.

This chapter is just the beginning of Alexander Hamilton!  In King's College, he can be a new man!

Like in my first Wattpad story (don't read it, it's very cringe ;-;), I'm going to challenge myself to finish this story but without ANY comments.  Bets that it's gonna be easy. >:)

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