•no school only sneaking out•

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If you haven't guessed it yet.. they are going to be sneaking out. Becauseeee.. why the FUCK not?

Mention of Abusive parents
Making out


Henry's Pov:

When I was in my room I thought of taking a shower since the last time I didn't. "Fuckk.. I must smell like shit.. well time to take a refreshing shower.

I went to my closet and picked out clothes to wear. I then went to grab my towel and went to the bathroom.

I then closed the door and clocked it. I started to make sure it was lock.. I turned the handle left and right over and over again. "Shit.. okay it's locked." I looked at myself in the mirror.. I looked like shit not gonna lie..

I then quickly took off my clothes and went turn on the shower. I waited for it to warm up and I went inside the shower.

After he took a shower.

I grabbed my towel and started damping my hair and started drying my face, my arms, and ect.

I then check on my phone and saw a message. My eyes widen in surprised.


RALPH♡: Hey.. wanna meet up? Like at.. 12?

I looked at the time.. It's 11.

I started texting him back

Henry: Yeah! Let's meet up over at the gas station!

I quickly turned off my phone and started getting ready. I put on my shoes and my usual clothes.

Then I climb out of window. And carefully closed the door. Hopefully my mum doesn't come to my room.. or not I will be fucking grounded again.


I carefully got off of my roof top and started walk out of my front yard. And put air pods in my ear listening to rock music.


I was at the gas station I decided to buy some snacks for Ralph. Until I saw Peter with some bitch... and I know that bitch.

(This is some random character I made up rn)

Her name is Jessica.. a whore.. I guess, she's slept with.. multiple of guys. Any age she doesn't really care. She has a suger daddy and a suger mommy. She's pansexual.

She's hot ngl. She has a tiny waist. But she's still has some fat but not really. Still hot though.

She wears make up and fake eye lashes. Anyways the point is that she's going to fucking cheat on my brother. And that shit won't fucking happen..

I narrowed my eyes and realized something..

I don't give a fuck.. yeah, I don't give a fuck at this point. It's life. I can't do anything. He's not going to belive me, life is life. He's gonna have to learn one day.

I start grabbing some snacks and leave the store. I stole some gum and small candys...

When I leave the store I see Ralph! "HI RALPH!!" He glanced at my way and smile "Hi henryy!!" I walk up to him and hug him "look what I got!" I opened the bag and showed him the snacks I bought for us. "Woah henry! How much did you spend?"

Ralph looked concerned "oh..No need to worry about it." I giggled and Ralph shrugged it off. "ANYWAYS! Let's go to the park!" His mood lighten up "Sure!"

We started talking about some stupid stuff like 'how's life' and shit honestly I don't give a shit about what Ralph talks about, I'm honestly really happy to have him as my best friend.

"Henry?" I quickly look at Ralph "Um- yeah!" "Are you okay? You zoned out for like 20 seconds.." I snickered "yeah I'm finee! Don't worry about me.. but like what were you saying?" He looked at the ground and blushed..

"Are YOU okay? Your all red? Do you have a fever?" I placed my hand on his forehead... he's not sick.. I think

He grabbed my hand and that shifted me for a moment "Umm- yeah I'm fine I'm just thinking what I was talking about.." "Oh alright then." I grabbed a drink I bought and started drinking it.

We continued walking and gossiping about people in our school.

Did you know that Al has 2 girlfriend! Honestly.. I'm not surprised that he has 2. He's good looking, he doesn't have acne and is really fit for his age.

But it's mess up to have 2 girlfriends.


We finally made it to the park "soo.. wanna just sit on the swings?" Questioned Ralph I smiled "yeah sure." We sat on the swings and started to eat our snacks. "Soo..Did William tell you about me getting grounded?" I thinked for a moment and it quickly came back to me.

"OH YEAHH! Damn how long tho?" He grabbed the wings "Well.. kinda depends if I help my mom and dad with shit around the house.. he said he if I do help.. then only like a week or so.." I winded my eyes "damnn.. my parents only yelled the shit out of me.."

The I remember about my brother 'dating' Jessica "Oh! Shit ralph!" He looked at me "What henry?" I started laughing "Fuck! Um I saw Peter making out with fucking Jessica!"  Ralphd eyes widen while trying not to spit out his drink.

He gulped it and started laughing his ass off! Same thing with me honestly!

I started thinking about what my parents might do to me if I came home really late.. honestly they would fucking beat the shit out of me.. or just yell at me for being useless...

I don't know why the fuck I'm thinking about my parents right now. They are really irrelevant right now..

We stayed at the park until the sun started going down... and if you ask us how the fuck did we stay in the park for that long..

Um lets just say some of our friends bought us apple juice. And suger...


"Bro I can't feel anything right now!" I started walking to a tree.. the tree was in diffrent color and shit started to get blurry ass fuck!..

"HII WILLIAMM!" William turned to me and quickly grabbed my hand and guide me to a bench for me to lay on "Oh fuck fuck fuck! SHIT! Andrew please come and help me with this train wreck!" I gave a disgusting face at him "HEY IM NOT A-A UM WRECK TRAIN! I don't know what you are talking about!" I hummed out of frustration.

I quickly get over it and I looked up to see if I could spot Ralph. But Ralph was to busy drinking...

And then every thing went.. black..


HEY WASSUPP! Anyways this shit took me all day and I hope this fucking useless story was good. I didn't really plan this story ahead.. so if it was wierd thenn..

I'm sorry.

Anyways I don't really know if the drugs and alcohol part were accurate. So I'm sorry if I got it wrong.

Anyways yeah, I'll try to upload as much as possible now!

Words: 1216

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