Chapter 10: Autograph Signing and a Makeout Session

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Damien snoozes the alarm on his phone and reaches out for where Dom was supposed to be only to feel the cold of the empty side of the bed. He lifts his head to look around and calls out for him. There is no response so he does it again and picks his head up off the pillow to look around and only sees Finn in the other bed and he doesn't hear the shower running. "Finn, where is Dom Dom?" Damien asks, throwing the spare pillow at Finn for good measure to wake him up.

"Fuck off, he left at like 2 am after getting a text he is probably in the girl's room..." Finn trails off realizing what he said as Damien rushes out of the bed and into the hallway Finn follows close behind him the door closing shut once they are in the hallway. "Fuuuuuuck!" Finn moans and flings his hands up in the air

"What?" Damien asks, still half awake and focused on where and why his partner disappeared from their bed in the middle of the night and worrying about Nessa.

"You got us locked out of the room in only our boxers, you bloody idiot!" Finn smacks Damien's chest.

"Oh shit!" Damien realizes and runs his hand down his face. Finn and Damien stand there staring at each other for a minute before Damien breaks the silence, "Well go get a new keycard, and while you are at it get one for the girl's room too. I'm too noticeable."

"Oh no, you are the one that rushed out of here first and want to check on Nessa not just Dom. You go get the keycard. It's mostly just wrestlers here it's not that serious." Finn crosses his arms challenging Damien to argue.

Damien instead holds out one hand palm up and closes the other in a fist placing it in the open palm. "Fine, let's settle this like men. Rock paper scissors..." He states like Finn didn't already know just by looking at Damien's posture. Finn assumes the position as well.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot," They say in unison. Finn throwing paper and Damien throwing rocks. Finn does a little happy dance at his victory while Damien reassumes the position.

"Best two out of three!" Damien demands a rematch. Finn rolls his eyes but agrees and gets back in formation. This round Damien throws paper while Finn throws scissors and does a happy dance again. "Oh come on!" Damien growls in frustration.

"Hurry it up Damo, chop chop." Finn flings his hand in a shoo motion.

Damien slinks off, throwing the middle finger as he heads to the elevator. Damien exits the elevator on the main floor, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible but his height makes it impossible. The other wrestlers in the lobby snicker as he walks past, some snapping pictures and posting it on various social media. Damien approaches the front desk. "Hi, I'm uh... Very sorry to ask but me and my friend accidentally locked ourselves out of our rooms and need new keys. Martinez room 313 and Bennet in 314." Damien smiles charmingly at the lady behind the counter who eyes him up and down appreciatively as he is only in his boxers.

'Yes, right away sir." She agrees but takes her time activating new key cards just to keep looking at him. Damien tries to ignore the snickering and comments from his co-workers while he waits on the key cards, tapping his fingers on the counter. Finally, mercifully the hotel worker hands him the keycards.

"Thank you miss!" He thanks the lady and turns, walking quickly to the elevator, flipping off some of his co-workers on the way who were making kissy faces and laughing. Once Damien is back on the floor their rooms are on he sees Finn standing there arms crossed tapping his foot.

"Finally, let's go already!" He holds out his hand and Damien slaps the keycard into it. Finn rolls his eyes and opens the door to the girl's room and steps in Damien close behind him. They stop in their tracks when they see Nessa in between Dominik and Rhea in the full-size bed, oreos strewn everywhere but they are all clothed except for Dominik who is just in his boxers.

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