Chapter 12: A DDT and a Request

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The rest of the week leading up to Smackdown was much the same. Finn and Nessa building Legos for stress relief, the boys doing interviews online, training almost every day to take bumps and maybe eventually fight and Rhea calling when she can with the time difference, Nessa secretly staying up to never miss the calls.

Early Friday morning Nessa gets one of these. Thankfully she was in Dominiks kitchen cleaning, unable to sleep so she snuck out to grab a snack then clean. She answers the phone.

"Hey Dems, any news?' Nessa asks quietly leaning on the counter and she hears Rhea whimper on the other line.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry Demi, what do you need?" Nessa asks grabbing a bag of marshmallows out of Dominik's cupboard and popping one in her mouth.

"I just need to talk to you, the boys will try to fix things you will just let me feel," Rhea answers and sniffles again trying to not sob into the phone.

"Of course mamela, do you want to tell me how you feel or just tell me about your Nonna? Whatever you need babe" Nessa offers and sits on the ground eating another marshmallow.

"My Nonna would have loved you. She always encouraged me to follow my dreams and to unapologetically be me..." Rheas voice cracks.

"I would have loved to have met her Dems. You are amazing and kind and sweet and an inspiration to many. Your Nonna was an incredible woman to be such an inspiration to you." Nessa praises leaning her head against the counter. "Would you like me to tell the boys?" Nessa asks knowing this isn't an easy topic to talk about. Rhea is silent on the other end for a moment.

"No, I think I need to call and tell them. I just can't at the moment it's like admitting it makes it too real.. You already know how to read me so well... I don't have to actually say the words..." Rhea trails off and Nessa's heart breaks for the woman.

"Of course, anytime you need anything I'm here Dems. I know what that is like..." Nessa yawns.

"Oh Bunny I'm sorry for keeping you up it must be 3 am there" Rhea apologizes, sadness still thick in her voice.

"No Dem's it's fine, I told you I'd be here for you and I will be for as long as you need me..." Nessa tries to reassure Rhea.

"Ok, Bunny. Thank you for everything." Rhea softly thanks Nessa.

"I haven't done anything, Darling." Nessa shakes her head even though Rhea can't see it.

"Bunny you have done so much without even realizing it, you have been so good and I don't know how I could handle this without you," Rhea praises making Nessa blush.

"Look, when you get back and we are at your house I am cooking for you. I am going to show you how I learned how to grieve and we will see if it helps you yeah?" Nessa offers wanting to help not fix.

"Yeah, that sounds nice. I'm going to let you sleep I have to go, I'm getting on a plane so I can be at Smackdown tonight. Goodnight Bunny, see you soon." Rhea says goodbye and Nessa does as well and they hang up.


Flying out the morning of Smackdown Nessa clearly tired, the atmosphere sad in the car as they drive to the venue. Rhea had called and told the boys the news. They get there 30 minutes before filming starts, The cameras already filming their first promo which is just them entering, Damien escorting Nessa with her holding his elbow as she did in previous shows since he is rolling in both their bags, security opening the doors for them. Dominik and Finn trailing close behind. Damien pauses and leans down to talk to Nessa his face close to hers, cameras catching every moment. Dom and Finn are behind the cameras, letting this Promo be shot.

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