Chapter 23: The first Meeting

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San Diego May 10th, 2023 Wednesday

Nessa wakes up and rolls over snuggling back into Dominik's chest, what he told her last night coming back to the forefront of her thoughts. She rests her hand on his chest and smiles. He wants nothing more than to have that future he envisions for them. She draws shapes on his chest with her finger. She remembers the first time she met him in her Emergency room and how far they have come.


Sometime in October of 2018

Nessa's curly red hair is tied back in a messy bun, her stethoscope slung around her neck. The black scrubs she is wearing that day washing out her complexion making her look even more pale than usual. She looks up from her charting when she sees a young man, tall hair cut short with glasses and a hoodie with a wrestler she recognizes as Rey Mysterio on it. He is calling out for help as he is carrying someone, supporting their weight, practically dragging them in, blood pouring down the other guy's face, his eyes unable to focus.

"You gotta help me, we had an accident in training." The boy in the hoodie asks, panicking, his own breaths shallow.

Nessa springs into action, snapping on a pair of gloves as she runs over two other nurses joining her. Together they set the man in a wheelchair, one of the other nurses holding the wound on his head to stem the bleeding while Nessa uses her penlight to assess the pupillary response. "His pupils are sluggish, take him to CT and page Neuro while I get information from his friend here," Nessa orders the others who immediately do as told. Nessa takes off her gloves and turns to the young man who she can't help but eye up and down, appreciating the chubbiness in his cheeks and finding him adorable even in his panicked state. "Hey your friend will be fine, our doctors and nurses are the best in the state, now I need you to breathe." She takes a deep breath to demonstrate and continues once he takes a few deep breaths with her. "Good, now tell me what happened and his name so I can start his chart instead of calling him John Doe." Nessa gives him her best calming smile.

"Andrew, his name is Andrew Watkins, we were training, we are training to be wrestlers and he botched a move and hit his head on the steps." He explains near hyperventilation again.

"Sir I need you to breathe with me again" She instructs, taking an exaggerated deep breath, the young man copying her. "Ok, now what is your name sir," She asked as he blinked back tears.

"Dom, Dominik." He answers, his voice shaky.

Nessa nods and pats his knee. "Ok, Dominik, is there any family we can contact for Mr Watkins?" Nessa asks, writing down information in her little notepad to put in the chart when she is at her computer.

"Yuh... yeah, his brother" Dominik gives her his information and she quickly writes it down.

"Unfortunately Dominik I can't give you any updates on him because you are not next of kin, I am going to call his brother and when he gets here we will give him the update and what he does with that information is up to him." Nessa holds up her hand to stop him from arguing, "I'm sorry but it's the law, he is alive and that is all I can tell you ok." Nessa assures him before getting up and going back to the computer at the intake desk. She inputs the information into his chart and calls the number Dominik provided, then going back to triaging patients coming in and calling people back.

Dominik keeps his gaze flickering between the door and to Nessa. Grateful at how nice she was and he can't help but admire the strands of hair that have made their way out of her bun that frame her face and is floored at how she handles those coming in with such compassion yet being stern and firm when needed. Before too long Andrews' brother Alex comes running in and goes straight for Dominik.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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