The Wolves and the Lions

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A few days later Jason had walking around Kingslanding hoping to clear his head after everything that has happened over the past few months. Though he was still determined to find out who crippled Bran and attempted to kill him with the Valyrian Steel dagger, but right now he was to attend the tournament Robert had put together.

Once the tournament began Jason had defeated every opponent he came across. He then saw his final opponent Ser Gregor Clegane. People have named him the Mountain due his size. Jason put on his wolf helmet and climb upon his horse. When the trumpet blew the two men charged at eachother with their lances.

Jason was able to knock the Mountain off his horse making everyone cheer. Unfortunately Gregor being the sore loser that he was called for his sword as the cut off his own horse's just before charging at Jason.

The Knight then ducked just before drawing his own blade and blocked the second strike. The two men clashed their blades ringing each time they connected.

"Stop this madness in the name of your King!" Robert shouted.

Jason kneeled avoiding the Mountain's final blow. Gregor threw his sword to the ground in anger and walked away.

The next day Jason was on his way to see his father in his office. He then saw Arya chasing a cat as he shook his head.

"I don't know where father found that teacher of hers but his teaching methods are definitely unique" He said to himself as he continued to his father's office.

Jason knocked on the door of his father's office.

"Enter" Ned said as Jason opened the door and saw his father speaking to Varys.

"Lord Varys" Jason bowed.

"Ser Jason" Varys said "I shall leave you two to talk"

As Varys left Jason sat in the chair in front of Ned's desk.

"What did Varys want?" Jason asked.

"He believes the Lannisters poisoned Jon Arryn" Ned said as Jason's eyes widen.

"He believes the Lannisters poisoned Jon Arryn" Ned said as Jason's eyes widen

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"Why would they kill him? He was the Hand before you were" Jason said.

"He started asking questions" Ned said.

"I don't know, but intend to find out" Ned said.

"You want me to speak with Cersei and see what I can find out?" Jason asked.

"If you can but be careful my son" Ned said.

"Aren't I always father?" Jason asked with a smile.

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