Narrating People's Lives CH Part 1

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Fascist Italy *recording*: She only had one plan for this new year, world domination.
Japanese Empire: *nods to TR smirking* Alright...

Ottoman Empire: *recording, walking up to Austria-Hungary and German Empire* Here she comes the queen, able to kill man with a single stare.
Austria-Hungary: Better watch out then! *German Empire starts laughing*

North Korea *recording*: She had no idea she was about to run a bridge that was nowhere near her.
South Korea: *stares at North* Why the frick would you say that?
*North Korea snickers*

Soviet: *recording*: In every group of friends there's the dumb one...
*Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus look at and point at Russia that was drinking vodka*
Russia: Really?

Fascist Italy: *recording TR*: With this final bag, he had completely disposed of the body..
TR: Shush, you'll blow my cover....

Spain: *recording UK and France* This was the moment the lad would propose to the girl...
UK: *tries to find ring while France laughs*

Ukraine: *recording Soviet* He was a gracious soul, offering food to those in need...
Soviet: *starts to hand Ukraine the donut but eats anyway*

Prussia: *recording* It was clear that a romance was blossoming between them..
German Empire: *runs away from Austria-Hungary* NO, DAD!
Prussia: A romance lasting a lifetime...

Fascist Italy: *recording* After months she concluded that in 50 years all men would be extinct..
Japanese Empire: Yes!

UK: *recording France at a art museum* Of all the works of art in this room, she was the loveliest.
France: Aww!

Georgia (not the state the country): *recording Soviet and Russia* And that's when they became horribly lost...
Russia: Are we lost?
Soviet: No...
Georgia: He lied...
Cutting it off, this was a spicy one to end it off at lol!

With that, have a good morning/day/night. Stay strong and may you find happiness in the littlest of things. Know that you are not alone and you are loved by at least one person in your life. Hopefully, these words will help someone who needs it. 😊

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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