Chapter 6

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Shoto was in his room and not once Izuku had come to meet him.

"Did he found out about my cheating? Did that bitch tell him about my affair?" He mumbled as he walked up and down in his room.

The king no longer love him and he need a plan, a plan that will make Katsuki hate Izuku.

Months had passed and the couple couldn't keep their hand off each other the basically had sex every where, in the courtyard, the greenhouse, the garden, the stable and the forest when they would go horse riding.

Katsuki was in the kitchen eating supper with Izuku in front of him. It was the same steak Katsuki had when he joined Izuku for lunch the first time and he behaved the same as if he had not eaten for days.

Izuku was smiling at the other as he ate the good with no care in the world.

"Whom so ever made this steak deserve a raise, it is so delicious." Katsuki said cutting into his steak once more

"It truly is, isn't it my love?" Izuku asked making Katsuki nod his head.

His steak was finished and he poured

"Can I have some more?" Katsuki asked and everyone found him adorable.

"Yes you can." The maids answered and hurried to the kitchen to cook more steak

His phone vibrated and he picked it up and smiled as he saw a message from Kirishima.

"Who is that?" Izuku asked from across the table

"It's Kirishima." Katsuki answered

Izuku's vein popped out.

"What does he want?" Izuku asked

"He wants to come for horse riding lessons tomorrow he wants me to participate in the Royal horse race." Katsuki answered

"I will not allow you to." Izuku said

"Why not? Kirishima has no other motive and he surely doesn't like me." Katsuki quarreled

"He does, I see the way he looks at you." Izuku said

"Izuku I will tell you later in our bedroom, I don't want to discuss Kirishima's affairs in front of everyone." Katsuki replied

Izuku stood up.

"I will not here anymore of this!" Izuku shouted as he left.

Katsuki rubbed his forehead tired of the jealous man who was acting like a big baby. The steak was brought in front of him and he didn't even care about the man who just walked away.

Katsuki finished eating and patted his stuffed belly as he walked to his bedroom, Izuku was on the bed on his phone.

"Izuku, you know you acted like a big jealous baby in front of everyone." Katsuki said

"Leave me be my queen, I am hurt by your actions today." Izuku replied

"I was going to tell you what Kirishima had told me but who am I to say it in front of everyone." Katsuki said

"Then tell me." Izuku said sitting up

Katsuki climbed onto the bed.

"Kirishima isn't the giver in the relationship, more like the receiver, so what ever scenario your are building up in your head that is not true." Katsuki explains making Izuku nod his head

"You won't sit in front of him on that horse though." Izuku said making Katsuki nod.

Royal MarriageOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora