Chapter 8

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Katsuki was horny too horny to the point Izuku thought his dick was going to break off, Katsuki didn't like the steak anymore, he found the texture not to his taste anymore and it did make him sad.

His emotions changed to quickly to the point Izuku was afraid of what will leave his mouth.

"Katsuki, baby let's go to the hospital." Izuku said knowing that Katsuki was pregnant just from his behavior

"Why am I too sick for you?" Katsuki asked with his hands resting on his hips.

"No, but we need to go and I don't have time for your bickering." Izuku said

"You don't love me anymore, do you?" Katsuki asked

"Yes I love you so much to the point I can't stand still, so let's go to the hospital quickly." Izuku answered making Katsuki nod.

Izuku drove with bodyguards surrounding the car. The two parked into the VIP section and went in and was immediately dealt with.

Katsuki was lying on the bed when the doctor proceeded to rub the cold gel on his stomach, the transducer pasted on his stomach and a small black dot was shown on the screen.

"Here is your baby and by the looks of it you're 3 weeks pregnant." The doctor congratulates

Katsuki was smiling and crying, Izuku peppered Katsuki's face with kisses, the two shared a long kiss.

Katsuki and Izuku went back home with Katsuki's hand resting on his baby bump, he was in joy. Izuku was as happy as ever.

To celebrate the two had a night of passionate sex with Izuku whispering he loves Katsuki with each thrust.

Morning came and Izuku woke up Katsuki to tell him he was going to leave for the day and to keep both him and the baby while he is gone. Katsuki between sleep and wake nod his head reassuring Izuku that he will keep himself and the baby safe. Izuku kissed Katsuki's lips and pecked his forehead as he left.

Katsuki woke to a knock on his door as he grumbled as he walked closer to the door opening it to Shoto as his door.

'What could he possibly want?' Katsuki thought as he looked at the man in front of him

"What is it that you want to discuss that you so happily woke me out of my bed to hear?" Katsuki asked

"I am sorry Your Majesty." He answered

"But I think you should know." He added

Katsuki let him into his room as he locked the doors

"That day when His Majesty, Izuku followed me, we were intimate and I didn't take birth control and now I am pregnant." Shoto said it was as if time froze

"W-what do you mean?" Katsuki stammered

"I am pregnant with his majesty child and when I go up to tell him he ignores me so I did the right thing and came to you. I have no one to help me with this baby and I can only rely on his majesty, back in your nation everyone adores and loves you. You have parents to help you if you do fall pregnant but here I have no one. I am five weeks pregnant and I do need him. If he doesn't believe me, we can go to the hospital if he wants." Shoto said making Katsuki's world spin

Everything he had built with Izuku gone.

"I will talk to him when he comes, rest assured we will figure something out." Katsuki replied making Shoto nod and left

Katsuki throat felt as if he was about to cry, why did Izuku hurt him like this what has he done to even be treated like this. Was it because he took him back?

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