Chapter 57

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Demi's POV

"Mom! Mama!" Georgia screamed from upstairs.

I looked at Tiff and then ran as fast as I could up the stairs and to my daughters room, "Baby what's wrong!?" I exclaimed breathlessly.

"Mom," she cried running into my arms.

"What's wrong? What happened?" I asked clutching my baby girl tightly to me.

"Look," she said pointing to the TV as tears continued to run down her face.

"We are now live at the crash scene in Noosa north of Brisbane which has claimed all lives in both cars. Supposedly in one of the cars were relatives to famous celebrity Demi Lovato who moved here about two years ago for as she said 'a fresh start' but now will have to deal with the loss of her family. In other car was reportedly paparazzi whom were trying to capture photos of the family but loss control of the car smashing into the other car and causing it to run into a local petrol station and then catching on fire."

My head started to spin, I looked behind me to see Tiff holding Johnny and Isabella, Alexia and Bea holding , Mar holding Cara and Kristian on the phone to God knows who yelling and screaming. I looked down to see Georgia still clutching to me as tight as ever, this can't be happening.. This can't be happening!

"Demi?" Mar said shaking me but for some reason I just couldn't respond, I couldn't say anything.

"Demi, baby," Tiff spoke softly rubbing my arm up and down.

I shook my head and snapped out of my trance, "Mads and the kids!" I exclaimed running downstairs and entering the house next door.

I ran inside and saw Mads and Jayden in a heap of tears on the floor and Kourtney occupying herself with her toys not knowing that her works was about to change forever..

I couldn't let myself think of what happened, I couldn't accept it.. Nobody died. This will all be a mistake.. I hope..

"Come here baby girl," I said pulling Mads into my arm.

"Jayden come here," I said as he also moved over and sat next to me.

"It'll be alright, it might not even be them," I said calmly.

"It's them Demi! It's there car!" she yelled.

I shook my head and fought back the tears threatening to fall, "They can't be dead," I mumbled.

"They can't be dead," I repeated.

"Demi," I heard Kristian call out as he entered the house.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"It's been confirmed, it was them," he said as tears spilled down his face.

I looked at him and back to the floor, my heart started to beat rapidly and tears started to roll down my cheeks, they're gone..

"What happens to their bodies?" I asked.

"They are going to preserve them until the funeral," he said.

"Weren't they burnt though?" I questioned.

"Demi let's not talk about this," he said.

I nodded and stood up, "I need to go organise the funeral."

"We can worry about that later Demi.. not now," Kristian said but I shook my head, "I've got to do it now."

I walked out of the house and back into mine and walked past everybody calling my name and straight to my phone, I took a deep breath and started to make phone calls, not wanting to think about anything.

Forever & Always (I'll Always Love You Sequel)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin