History of Aiwan

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The sad reality of fourteenth century England is that fae, often mistaken for witches, were not the well loved creatures of the aptly named fairy tales. They were hunted down like animals, captured and killed often in a fiery pit. Although humans were often far too clever for a simple burning at the stake. Even the creative species when it comes to murder. Morgana, queen of the fae, had lived in cohesion with the humans for the start of her long life, even treated like a queen to their King Arthur. Upon his death, the hunting began. So much so that the numbers began to dwindle to horrifically low numbers.

It is no longer a well known fact on earth, but fae and humans derived from the same species. They are in fact, the same. Only the fae are in tune with and can manipulate the power of the earth. Humans have long since lost the ability to truly tap into the ancient power but if you study their recent history, some of the fae blood still runs within some of them. Those with weak sight or are most intune with nature, those celebrities that amass a huge following even with just mediocre beauty. Just ask Ryan Reynolds long dead ancestors, I bet you could find a fae among them. No one really knows how some received the gift and others did not. Those most devotely religious humans would probably say it was some sort of demon curse from their supposed God. Who can really know? Sometimes I also believe that it is a curse.

Aiwan was created with a little bit of innovation and a lot of magic. Morgana gathered her closest advisors one night, late in the dimness of a rising moon, when our powers can be heightened. Worlds were folded like a piece of paper, new lands carved from the discarded magic of the earth. Historians before me will tell you that we were part of what started an earthquake or two on earth that night, however, no one who was there is still alive to confirm and the humans were not the best record keepers during that time. Too busy with their own brewing disease, the black plague they called it. We narrowly escaped being swallowed up with their number of dead.

Aiwan was Morgana's brain child, she was not only our queen but also one of the most brilliant minds of her time, progressive and timely. She had long overstayed her welcome, hiding for most of her final ninety years on earth. Aiwan was born of her love and commitment to make sure her progeny lived long enough to reclaim their numbers and maybe someday repopulate the earth alongside a more tolerant human.

Her records have long since been lost to most fae, although some believe that Queen Camille knows how to break down the walls which separate us. 

The Heir of Aiwan--Book 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang