history of government

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As discussed in the previous chapter, Aiwan is divided by borders that have been in place almost since its creation. Not borders in the formal sense but rather jagged lines that keep most fae with family, heritage or power delineation. Each area developed differently depending on the seemingly nature inclination of the fae power exhibited mostly within those lines. Below I have detailed a general breakdown of those inclinations. As we get closer to the Great Battle itself, I will circle back to these power structures which will help us to explain just how the battle played out.

Firstly, there is the land we know as Friya, controlled by the earth, eade, fae. Eade are, as you'd expect, much more influenced by the land itself. While it is true that all fae gather their powers from the ground, eade have a special relationship of not only borrowing power from the earth but all channeling their gifts through it, as well. Friya has always been more a communal style leadership, tested through strength, skill and political prowess. At the time of the Great Battle, the eade are lead by Sala. Sala is gruff, private and much prefers to stay out of the queen's way and out of her line of sight. Due to Friya sharing a border with the Queen's capital of Sinne, they have to be involved in her politics. Sala prefered to do this by remaining out of the castle, allowing the queen's men to roam their small villages and not making too much of a fuss about any of it.

Just south of Friya we have Ardor. Ardor is controlled by the water fae, Arlynd. Arlynd mostly get a bad rap, most of it is warranted but it is important to note that not every arlynd is comfortable with manipulation. However, their leadership definitely has not qualms about it. Lord and Lady Voda rule with an iron fist and relish the life and luxury they have raised off the backs of those water fae of lesser power. Beautiful and manipulative, this blonde duo mostly bows to the queen. However, they would not be above stepping over her corpse to nab a little of that power for themselves.

To the other side, the east, of Friya is the island of Koryn. Koryn is the home of the Sylph, wind fae. Lady and Lord Voz are the high and mighty type. They turn their noses up at the rebellion and squabbles of "lesser fae" and mostly keep to themselves. The island is inhabited by other fae but the sylph stick to the highest mountains. They are the smallest group of fae, after the ai of course. They have no loyalties, except to themselves. Leading into the Great Battle, they kept their distance.

To the south of Friya, there is the land of the fire fae, cinnaed. The land is named Lynde after their first leader who also ruled with a fiery fist. Lord Orgon and his Lady are hard to the plights of the cinnaed they rule over. Most cinnaed are fire wielders, with the exception of a few healers. The healers are not soft and are actually at the heart of the rebellion in the depth of Lynde's largest city of Brasa.

Smooshed between the queen in the eade is the small commune of ai, mind fae. Currently they are led by Raz but she is much more a spokesperson than a leader. No one has seen Raz since she pulled out of the limelight following the disappearance of the Princess Agnes. Not much is known of the ai, they tend to be a secretive group.

North of the queen is the tip of the Aiwanian peninsula, Stura. Stura is home of the light fae, Gwyn. Lady Svet and her husband are not friendly with the queen but they are also not against her. The Switzerland of Aiwan, they prefer to hide in the magic of invisibility rather than participate in any sort of rebellion against a queen who stays out of their way. 

Lastly, the body fae, Sidhe. Sidhe have long since been treated ass the queen's foder for her every whim. Rebellion has been breing for centuries, finally brought to a head by the loyal sifhe fae. Those loyal to the cause, no their leader. The coward General Silna is no rebellion sympathizer. He would much rather bask in the glory the queen has bestowed upon him, at the expense of sidhe bodies. This is where we will go next, Echen, the home of the princess's rebellion.

- From "A concise history of the Great Battle", by Alwyn Stein 

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